A monument to cluelessness.

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Candunce or Cantdunce - what's the dif?

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I don't think I've ever done that to a sunflower.


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Agreed. In real life it would just be: drag all the kids into the auditorium and give them a speech, FFS.

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we've been full on home-schooling (not zoom distance learning) since last march. since we get to develop the curriculum ourselves, we've pretty much gotten rid of all the math, science, english, history bullshit and just spend all day every day teaching our kid to hate white people, especially cops. the only black person our son is allowed to hate is candace owens.

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Collagen inject much?

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What about David Clarke?

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Keep in mind that Candy only became a professional conservative Black woman when her previous attempts at being an anti-T****p blogger and doxing all of Twitter failed to net her some cheddar. She's always been chasing the dollar.

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Apparently the school settled for almost $40K - the accusation sounds completely bogus to me, but the District (or its insurance company) probably figured it was cheaper to settle.

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Well, she was an intern at Vogue magazine...

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How was the notice worded? If it was something on the order of "If you are white, you are probably a racist without realizing it. Come to these meetings to learn how to identify and correct the problem", that's a TERRIBLE way to put it (it can be interpreted as racist itself) (and I would probably lodge an immediate and formal complaint). A much better wording would be something like "There will be a number of seminars on 'Implicit Bias and How to Recognize and Counter It'. HR requires that you attend one."

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$40k is peanuts. She probably spent more than that on her web scheme to dox all of Twitter.

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she can dunce if she wants to. she can leave her friends behind.

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in short? Gamergate. that's when she learned that there's a lot of money in grievance.

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Professional what? She dropped out of school. She's done nothing with her life. She's freakin' unemployable.

Okay, she's a professional liar. She's paid to lie, for a living. Fine Republican. Maybe the Koch Brothers, or Heritage, or Eduardo Cruz's press secretary will hire her.

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