Ohhhhhhh, OK. I didn't realize you had to do all that OTHER stuff too. I thought you just talked shit on the tubes, and picked up your check. To quote that great philosopher, Rosanne Rosannadanna: "Never Mind!"

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Let us never forget that straight white Christian male conservatives are America's most oppressed people.

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Methinks that she doesn't know what a premise is, but I won't call her stupid, weak and inconsequential because that would be oversimplifying a complex issue, similar to how the repugs oversimplify complex issues.

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If she's meeting with CEOs, they're likely conservative CEOs who wouldn't hire a woman for anything other than prettifying the front desk and hauling coffee anyway.

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“Disagreement is great, we aren’t the left”

One paragraph later,

“You are free to do whatever you want obviously, but don’t do walkouts or boos. That is what the left does.”

So the left never disagrees with each other, but they protest each other? At the same time, the right loves disagreements, but they aren’t supposed to mention that they disagree.

Someone’s freeze peach is past it’s expiration, and the freezer tripped the breaker while they were on vacation.

Having the right to speak your mind doesn’t guarantee that what you say won’t be stupid, I see.

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“Girls used to kick guys in the crotch in elementary school.”

In the 80’s, girls got in trouble for this. You can cause irreparable physical damage that way. I feel no less manly because they got in trouble for it. Since it was all the rage when Candace Owen was in school, how the fuck old is she? Her looks have really held up nicely. I’m 45 and you couldn’t kick boys in the nuts(or slap girls on the ass btw), without getting in trouble. Is she 70? What sort of skin cream does she use. I’m a macho ape of sorts, but I wouldn’t mind keeping that kind of skin quality when I retire. Apes can be vain too you know! Stop judging me!

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Also three, I promise I’m done now, isn’t Kanye a huge fan? ‘Nuff said.

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Her eyes have that glowing 'nobody home, feel good' look...

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And now this garbage-person is famous.

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" The harassment was so bad that she took six weeks off of school because seeing her tormentors was too traumatizing, and when she did attend, she was escorted by someone from the NAACP."How the hell do you have an experience like that and then come out and say the dumb ass stuff she does is totally beyond me. She may have a lot of book knowledge, but has zip as far as wisdom goes.She kind of reminds me of Trump's devotion to all things military - except when it came to actually serving. "Don't respond as I did, respond as I say."

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In a number of videos and also when I saw Candace Owens in person AND met with her PERSONALLY in CONNECTICUT this year it was made very clear that her case concerning the school was decided by adults not by her... Aside from that.. opinions be they whatever they are can not be made right or wrong because opinions are made of the thoughts and feelings of an individual. Thoughts and feelings are choices often based on beliefs which are also choices. ACTIONS are ALSO CHOICES.. so just remember that. Disagreement is a CHOICE and Agreement is a CHOICE. Condemning and responding in hateful rude or devaluing ways are CHOICES ... Your words also are a CHOICE. Just remember that FIRST and FOREMOST what YOU choose is your own most important charge in life because you simply can NOT control the choices of others especially in the thinking and feeling realm. The desire to control the thoughts and feelings of others IS exactly what socialism is based on as well as the Darwinian principles.. rejecting that is CHOICE and we are ALL free to Accept or Reject what you believe, feel or have to offer as well so just remember that.

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I don't believe her.

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Yeah, I'm an Oldz myself, though not a New Yorker Oldz and not a Plato's Retreater. But, come it think of it, Plato's Retreat is actually more ancient history to most people than Plato himself. Except for Donald Trump.

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It's the best way to make money on the inner tubes. Actual goods and services are for suckers.

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A startling example of the rewards of idiocy.

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How to trip over your own terrible premise and end up face-first completely up your own ass.

Nice of Team Deplorable to try to help her out of there.

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