I've yet to receive a good rebuttal to the fact that the early Nazi Party was composed of right wing Frei Korps mercenaries who fought socialists and were used in putting down the Spartacist Rebellion.Then Hitler when he could stomach working with another party, only worked with the far right parties. And in Mein Kampf he talks of his hate for liberals, socialism, communism, and democracy.And finally the conservative Hindenburg put him in office to counterweight the Socialist Party and the Communist Party. And he dismantled unions.

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Uncanny valley esque issue. The more intelligent you seem the worse your stupidity is when it reveals itself.

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Yeah with what TBR78 said, many academics and black intellectuals LOVED him with his first seminal books. But somewhere along the lines he stopped sitting his ass down to do work and think, and he started just remixing his first few books and saying less and less.The black community and many more fell out with him about when he got a spite boner for Obama after being snubbed on a ticket hookup for the inauguration. There's a BRUTAL takedown of Cornel West right here. The author basically just destroys himhttps://newrepublic.com/art...

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oh my GOD where did they find her

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It's almost like she forgot the concept of "red lining" neighborhoods existed in that time period as well. So even if you went up, up, and up, and friendly white bank manager will tell you no, you can't have a loan to buy a house in that nice white neighborhood, and no I don't care this is the North.

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Apparently Owens has also been spewing about the Central Park 5 being guilty on Twitter, probably because she's a sellout hack who takes her marching orders from the bigot-in-chief. That's just pathetically transparent PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEEEEE caterwauling and Ava DuVernay needs to whap her upside the head with a gold-plated DVD of 13th.

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Why make an exception of the Holocaust? It was, after all, the result of National SOCIALISM! And we all know that Hitler wouldn't call it SOCIALISM if it wasn't!

Owens's brain (if it exists at all) could explode without so much as mussing her hair.

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Beats me. [shrug] I've always advocated social democracy policies* - public schools, roads, libraries, police forces, fire departments. Running the government like a business is a terrible idea. Do we want to go to war or not based on whether Erik Prince thinks he will make a profit? Or allow schools to close down if they don't "pay for" themselves**?

Democrats have traditionally been wimps, and let themselves be bullied into not using correct terminology for many things. The young folks seem to take to using "socialism" more enthusiastically.

* Although I didn't know what to call it 50 years ago.** Poor education is expensive; educated children grow up to be the adults that run our society when we're old. The ROI for schools cannot be determined in one quarter, nor measured in dollars.

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I just want to intervene right here, for just a second, because I see Brother Stephen going down that old "that ain't socialism" road, and he's wrong, in my humble opinion.

We actually live in a socialist country, and have done, now, for so long, that maybe people don't understand that to be true. We became a socialist country under the benevolent aegis of Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Great Depression (yet another financial debacle caused by right-wing speculators), and the resounding success of the infusion of cash that financed the New Deal and, then, WW II, most of which revenue came from corporate interests, was the creation of our socialist country.

Nobody could call it that (although FDR's enemies had and would), because, now, it was just the USA - that had implemented a vast welfare system to keep people from starving to death; a vast national infrastructure program which employed people and made the whole country seem important; brought electricity to the entire country, not just its cities; devised a national pension system which we still enjoy today; allowed union activity to flourish without threat of disruption; and, then, harnessed that socialist spirit that had begun to blossom in the country and turned it into the single-minded pursuit of defeating the Fascists in Europe!

We are a socialist country, my friends. A socialist country whose enemies have been trying to undo the advances of FDR and JFK and LBJ, in a knee-jerk fashion, for as long as their ilk has been around.

We do socialism VERY BADLY, no doubt about it, but, we are a SOCIALIST COUNTRY, and our every effort should be directed toward making those members of our society who have WAY TOO MUCH, pay their fair share into the public kitty.

How you do all that, is beyond my powers of concentration to figure out. I think we're well and proper fucked, as a species, but, if we could just agree on a simple idea like "what is socialism," that would be a giant step...

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Stalin killed a lot of people, and he pretty much controlled everything that happened in the USSR. Bernie Sanders didn't kill anybody, he's not advocating for state ownership of the means of production, and he supports, you know, the Constitution. So Candace, babe, drop the socialist thing.

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I love when Dr. West takes the ignorant apart. They get cut to ribbons and don't even know he has Occam's Razor in his pocker.

Brother West is a Christian and a Socialist, and of course backs Bernie. I'm glad the Professor is so kind to the unenformed. He is always trying to educate.

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Dr. West still believes that the Truth will set you free. He is willing to speak truth to anyone anywhere. He truly believes he is protected by the "Armor of God."

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Think Armstrong Williams only younger and female.

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Brother West is a Professor by trade. While teaching at Harvard and Princeton he developed respectful ways to confront and teach ignorant ass entitled students.

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One of Kanye's best lyrics. I wonder if Kanye is still smashing Candice.

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I think that his son's immunity could be retracted.

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