This is why Harris edges out Warren for me, even though I'd love to have President Warren. I trust CA to keep that a Democratic seat. I don't trust MA nearly as much.

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He's unpopular, but racism isn't. The bigots know that keeping him in charge of the senate serves their agenda.

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We're stuck with Baker until 2022. But someone else in this thread pointed out that MA will require a special election if SPW vacates her seat. So not all is lost, but, yeah, idiots in Mass did make SenatorFold a thing, so fuck them(us((me))).

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minus the hair plugs and dental work, but otherwise, yes.

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So true. MA still has to answer for SenatorFold, Baker, Cellucci, Romney, Weld ... and the Other Tim Ryan.

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democrats are defeatist by nature I've been dealing with this for almost 40 years

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shit, I thought Baker was out next year.Still pissed at my mom for voting for him. She "prides" herself on not voting for the party but for the person; but she most likely votes based on TV ads!! At least she finally listened to me and voted for Warren over Brown!! All her talk about women being better than men - yet she voted for Baker and ALMOST for Brown.

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You been to Kentucky?

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I'm from the 8th district too, only I live in one of the red southern counties that get ignored by the rangers. I sat through all (thirteen, was it?) votes at the endorsing convention and talked with all DFL candidates personally. Some of the candidates knew how to frame their message, and some seemed naive and dismissive, in my opinion.

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Yup, I was at the convention, too. Watching Radinovich supporters run around pretending to care about Latinx people while chortling at their tables about how “the [racial slur]s we’re gonna bring that bitch down” (somebody forgot to shush his friends when I walked by their table to get more coffee). But everyone was so busy trying to placate Da Range they totally ignored *both* the southern part of the district, which is red but has some pockets that could be won over (not by talking about mining, though), *and* all the people along Lake Superior who would please like to not have a Brazil-style tailings dam threatening to obliterate our economies. There’s a ready-made coalition between the blue dots in the southern part of the district and the solidly blue North Shore counties if only Justin Perpich and all his “Copper mining is the new woke” union lobbyists/wannabe Boss Tweeds would shut up for a minute.

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Well said. At this point, I think taking the Senate and holding the House is the most important job for Dems in this upcoming election. Even more critical than the Presidency. If Mitch gets another 6 years, it doesn't matter who is in the White House. McConnell will kill all legislation coming out of the House and it will never hit the President's desk whether he be R or D. Too many of the Dem hopefuls are trying to craft Cinderella stories around themselves, but those are low-odds gambles and most if not all the POTUS longshots will drop by Iowa if not before and now be hopelessly behind in campaigning for a potential Senate run and have burned through a lot of political capital in their forlorn hope.

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If we're going with a white male, can it at least be one whose worldview and policies aren't stuck in the 1990s? Say what you will about Bernie, he can win those voters back, too, and he's not living in a dream world filled with honorable Republicans who are just waiting for the opportunity to be nice again.

Of course, I don't think we need to have a white male to win those voters. I think anyone who has a genuine vision of a future that believably includes helping out the working class (regardless of race or gender) can do it. Warren could well be another good pick. Harris has her issues, but I don't think they're of the variety that would hurt her in these places, and she at least acts like she'll treat progressives as coalition partners and not simply take their votes for granted and berate them for not getting in line with the centrist agenda.

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"1 million is a real city, but just barely."

I guess that's fair if you consider San Jose and San Antonio to be real cities, but not Seattle, Denver, Boston, San Francisco, Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Milwaukee, Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Washington DC, Miami, Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans, Austin, Portland, Charlotte, Baltimore, Buffalo, Saint Louis, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Honolulu, or Pittsburgh.

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Are we talking about the same DNC that lost thousands of seats nationwide in the eight years of the Obama presidency? Seems to me like they weren't very good about getting the right people in the right races long before they got their panties in a bunch over Bernie.

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1 - women live longer than men.2 - yesterday's Daily Kos poll has Warren *1 point* below Bernie, which puts her in the top 3 (unfortunately people are idiots, IMO, so Biden is still #1)I realize that's not an All America poll, but its not like she's Marianne Williamson, either.

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Here’s the big secret, though: self-identified “white rust belt dudes” are highly unlikely to vote for ANY Democrat, not even Uncle Joe, because voting for your own interests is not how revanchism works.

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