"those stories can be seen as parables & not literal for lots of religious folks. "

I don't hold out much hope for the ones I grew up with, but they didn't have much education.

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When I get to be King all marriages will be strictly civil affairs. You can have a pretend wedding in your Church/Temple/Synagogue/Poll Hall but only the one in the JP's office will matter.

And no-fault divorce too.

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i'm sorry but i don't think i can go out and face the world without my daily does of hate.

wtf wonkette?

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And Rush Limbaugh is still an asshole.

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Wait, where does the CIA fall on this list?

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There is nothing as overrated as a bad fuck, and nothing as underrated as a good shit.

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Don't worry, unexamined media consensus has never caused any serious trouble.

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Testify, sister!

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It wasn't undiagnosed: she was raised a Mormon and most recently joined a Pentecostal church and was born again. Very similar to getting clocked with a falling piano.

Sadly, she's had psychiatric problems for many years. It's sometimes hard to tell when the delusional ranting is due to mental illness and when it's due to Michael Richards-style dickery.

The other day a small homeless woman amazingly hefted and threw a huge trash can at me on the street, screaming about the Kennedys, the Vatican, and the Trilateral Commission (which I guess dates both of us). It hit a parked car. I blame the Baptists.

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I look back on my Christian upbringing with great amusement that anyone believed that stuff. Forget evolution; I'm still waiting to hear how Jonah lived in the great fish for three days or exactly where the rubble from the Tower of Babel can be found.

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It is my understanding that marriage is not a sacrament in the Methodist tradition, as it is in the Roman Catholic tradition.

Of course, maybe things are different in Winston-Salem-Kool-Marlboro-Kent-Merit, North Carolina.

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Your move Westboro Baptist.

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My guess is the pastor's son came out two years ago.

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It's nice to see that the booger-munching inbreds aren't grabbing all the headlines for a change.

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Finally, a church that has come out in favor of just living together. This is going to save billions in attorneys fees.

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And coddling newborns! They have the gift of life, it's up to them to do something with it!

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