<i>The Master:</i> Who run Bartertown? Who... run... Bartertown? <i>Auntie Entity:</i> ...You know who. <i>The Master:</i> Say. <i>Auntie Entity:</i> Master Blaster. <i>The Master:</i> Say loud!

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Can't believe they even rated that as "half-true." I am sorry, but in my book, that's 90% lie.

"Not intended to be a geographical statement"

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Please direct your questions regarding this matter to councilman Trashcan Man.

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"They’ll be back in six months, <strike>assuming the town’s balance sheet gets the love it needs." </strike>

Assuming the town is still standing or hasn't been turned into some kind of Thunderdome nightmare.

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Alto is deep in East Texas Piney Woods. This announcement is one of the "brother-in-law" arrangements where the commissioned peace officers were layed off while the town leadership (think Boss Hogg) already has a new law enforcement regime ready when the time is right.

Don't worry about the police officers. I'll suspect they all just started to work for Pilgrim Farms as security officers for the chicken processing plant and will make sure none of the Yankee sons-of-bitches Union bastards don't make it beyond the county line.

My grandmother from my Mom's side passed about 11 years ago. She lived between Crockett and Kennard. After the funeral we auctioned everything off. Mom told me on the way out of town "I damn sure have no reason to return to this bastion of in-breeding and corruption. Do you, Son?" I had a very concise answer: "Nope."

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<i>being a non-money-making entity</i>

U R doing it rong!!

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Nancy Grace has decided to impose death penalty anyway

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And how, exactly, did he know how wide it was?

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well on the plus side, everybody in Alto can now get any kind of abortion.

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<i>The police department...being a non-money-making entity...</i>

weird. chicago police have always been very good at making money.

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Two words Alto Texas. Balck Water. I hear they're looking for work and with Groupon you could save some real $$$$$.

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From the picture, I see Bush is still clearing brush.

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