Oh my fucking god.

How much was the ICU bill?

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But, as they down south-- Oooh, that smell!!

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This huge majority of good cops I keep hearing about ... it would be nice if they would look at that allegedly teeny tiny percentage that makes them look bad and makes their job harder ... and do something.

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GOP sez, "Dis-what, now??"

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His wife was the Trump campaign treasurer and a Cabinet Sec'y under Trump while Moscow Mitch was Trump's Ally!

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McConnell will go down in history as the minority GOP leader of the senate during the trump years. And thats it. The trump asterix.

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Just the one client, Qbert!

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The treatment that Officer Fanone gets from some fellow cops and the MAGA crowd breaks my heart. I pray that he has some kind of support.

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'“They called me a piece of shit and mockingly called me a great fucking hero while clapping," he said.

Fanone says they called him a disgrace, said he was not a cop anymore, and said he didn't belong at the ceremony. It happened in the rotunda, he said'.

Anyone taking bets on how many of those sneaking, yellow backed shitbags were involved in the insurrection themselves, or gave aid or info to those who were? No-one?

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I believe it has an interesting old cemetery there.

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I don't get why people are so enraged at people who speak up, that is why the rage at Fanone. He's got obvious reason to be so angry. They're scared but are they scared bc he'll bring down punishment on them or because he'll get ahead--- get a prize that they won't get? I've seen it happen so often, and it's happened to me often-- everybody sushing me suddenly-- once when I asked the bus driver if he was often this late-- meaning nothing, just wondering-- an entire bus trying to get me to shut up! 50 eyes were goggling at me. So bewildered but I figured out later they thought I was CHALLENGING the BUS DRIVER! I just wondered if I had to find another way to get to my new job. So Fanone keeps speaking up so now he's their deadliest enemy. Time he ran for office.

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Terrapin libelz.

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Happy face! *BITEY*

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You aren't playing the nice board game version of democracy anymore.

This is an apocalyptic snowball fight and all of their snowballs are packed with rocks, nails, dog shit and hand grenades.

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They back the brown(shirts).

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I remember when Jade Helm put Texas up on ebay after the takeover. I bid on it, but got sniped at the last second by a race of intergalactic lizards.

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