Capitol Riot Conspiracy Magnet Ray Epps Still Not A Fed, Now Under Federal Indictment.
Damn you, Deep State!
Congratulations to Ray Epps on getting decisive proof today that he is not a federal agent sent to rile up innocent patriots and trick them into violently overthrowing the government. Shame it had to come in the form of a federal indictment, but sometimes you gotta take your lumps.
Epps, a former Oath Keeper who was part of the mob that stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021, was an unlikely target of a rightwing conspiracy. But in 2021, Wingnutistan needed to pretend that the horde of treasonweasels who laid siege to the seat of government were instigated by NOT DONALD TRUMP, and Epps was a jackass in the wrong place at the wrong time, so … tough luck, fella!
As it transpired, Epps was part of a crowd of dipshits wandering around DC on January 5 looking for the dangerous Antifa and BLM gangs they were sure lurked around every corner. MAGA shitstirrer Timothy Gionet, AKA “Baked Alaska,” filmed Epps shouting, "I don’t even like to say it because I’ll be arrested. I’ll say it. We need to go in to the Capitol," after which the crowd turned on him, shouting “Fed! Fed! Fed!” Which makes complete sense if you’re a paranoid lunatic who’s been mainlining internet conspiracy theories about Deep State "glowies" embedded in every crowd trying to discredit brave American patriots by making them do dumb, illegal shit.
On the day of the attack itself, Epps was filmed near the barricades just before they were breached, and he briefly appeared on the FBI’s most wanted list. But when his name was removed, he immediately found himself at the center of a conspiracy flogged by MAGAworld about federal agents inciting the crowd to overthrow the government. Sure, Trump told these people if they didn’t fight, they weren’t going to have a country any more. But obviously the real impetus for the riot was one loudmouth asshole who flew in from Arizona with his son. It makes perfect sense, just ask Ted Cruz!
"How many January 6th protesters were actually working for the federal government?" Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie asked in December, retweeting Gionet’s video of Epps. "In October, I asked AG Garland while he was under oath and he refused to answer. He looked very nervous and worried when I showed him this video in that hearing.”
Midge Greene and Matty Gaetz made mouth farts about a “Fedsurrection,” while Tucker Carlson broadcast a pile of segments on “Fed Epps.”
There were even songs written about him — terrible, terrible songs.
The problem was that it was horseshit. Epps wasn’t a federal agent or informant, although Proud Boy Enrique Tarrio was. Epps testified to the House January 6 Select Committee, which put out multiple statements debunking the hoax. But none of that mattered to the MAGA loons who harassed him and ruined his business, forcing him to sell his wedding venue at a loss and move out of state. In fact Carlson pointed to his cooperation with the committee as further evidence that they were all in on it. And no, we don’t feel sorry for this guy, although we are rooting for him in his defamation suit against Fox for airing so many lies about him. Let them fight!
And now Epps has got himself indicted under 18 USC § 1752(a)(2) for disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, which will no doubt put an end to all this foolishness and convince Trump’s loons that they were wrong all along about this guy being a federal agent.
[US v. Epps, Docket via Court Listener / Epps v. Fox News Network, LLC, Docket via Court Listener]
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Anyone who believes in a conspiracy theory has never been a project manager.
"Proud Boy Enrique Tarrio was [a federal informant]."
Wow, I had forgotten about that. I wonder what it's like looking at a 20+ year bit when everyone in the place knows you're a narc.
And I thought I had problems!