Stupidity should be painful and frightening for these traitors, right up until the very sudden and utterly terrifying moment when it isn’t any longer…..

I endorse this for every one of these traitors.

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Not even tots and pears.

I want nothing less than pour encourager les autres for these people.

It might finally sink into the collective pair of Cletus brain cells that they can’t ignore federal law and assert state law in an attempt to subvert justice any more.

(Just finished reading the excellent White Rage again last night and I’m feeling zero compunction to extend even the slightest olive branch to these people….link to book: https://www.amazon.com/Whit...

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He’s counting on the sanity clause….

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Everyone knows it’s couches

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> Let them all rot in jail.

Far too expensive and it fails to send a message.

Both Lincoln and Johnson failed to take a drastic, no-holds-barred, zero tolerance approach, as urged by Sherman, after the Civil War, and that’s why we’re here.

Zero tolerance.

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An appropriate outcome for Nazis or MAGAt traitors.

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14 point is awfully small for these guys. They’re still on Dick and Jane….

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The mushroom is slimy and soft….

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Hey, you can't fool me! There is no sanity clause.

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I have local MAGATs arguing with me that the people attacking the Capitol were not trumpsters. Something about how the police let them in. Yeah, we saw that. Why would lefties try to stop Biden's election certification?

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Besides, the penalties for cheating are almost non-existent unless you are a POC.

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This is such a good point. They really are like tween girls believing in their false "heroes" (who are mostly drug-addicted child-assaulters IRL). Exactly as foolish and naive and daydreamy. We really need to keep pointing this out to them.

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When it comes down to who takes the blame, Trump blames them, and they blame Trump.

This is what Trumpism is all about.

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OK, let's just analyzed this deeee-fense:

The President ordered me to do it.

Were you in the military at the time?

Ummmh, no.

So, even then you should ignore an illegal order, right?

Wait, wait, he suggested I do it.

Even lamer.

Yeah, I did it but it didn't work.

Bank robbers are sitting in jail because the dye-packs exploded.

The only way any of this shit lands in public discourse is on Fox News and then only on Tucker's glob.

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Also cops don't exactly have a history of giving lefties a pass.

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I was so waiting for someone to do that!

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