Yes. Yes, he was. So I heard.

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What a charmer. Being a soft libtard I won't wish anything really hideous upon him, like leprosy or elephantiasis, but I can't help hoping he gets ingrown toenails. And never mind Jim Henson. KERMIT should sue him. The idea that Kermit is not actually a real person is just another conspiracy theory.

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I wonder if it's difficult to play the victim card while controlling all three branches of government on the federal level and a majority of the state legislatures?

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Seriously, this should be the theme song for this guy:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Or if you want something more pop-music-y:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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No, there is no end to the oppression of the mediocre white man...Not only they now have to compete with gross icky wimmenz for jobs without the benefit of having sandwiches made for them anymore, they have to keep redrawing districts and getting headaches trying to think up voter ID laws because scary ethnic people want to participate in democracy when they're not busy with the white genocide, those slutty feminist harpies keep being mean to them when they're just trying to impose some good Christian order on their unruly vaginas and now these race-traitor libtards are attacking them every time they try to relax with some good old-fashioned poor-fucking and racism lulz, acting like they're bad people or something...It's reverse racism, is what that is. :P

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That's an insult to assholes, which are useful for keeping random shit-dribbles IN, unlike the anal fissure, which is way grosser, hurtful and allows indiscriminate poop-leakage.

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Kermit is real, and recently told me that Paladino is not a real person, only a Lizard Man in a Human Skin Suit.

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Those tires cost a grand per tire.

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You know which trucks are not used for work, by the hight of the lift kit.

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White Privilege ???

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They also decide who is considered "white".

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He totally blew it in the Kermit thing, missing a chance to say "Democrat" party on the bottom line of the otherwise hilarious meme thingy. Sad.

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No one, I repeat, no one, should ever be raped by a burning dumpster.

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It's a hard job but I'm confident the current crop of Republicans is up to the task.

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