The 1984 LA Olympics managed to pull off the nearly impossible feat of actually making money. (The Games also yielded a GINORMOUS medal haul for Team USA.) That was the main reason for the Draft Ueberroth boomlet. Say what you will about Peter Ueberroth, but he and the LAOOC performed miracles in 1984.
Note to Carly: You aren't going to get the nomination. You also aren't going to get the VP slot because Sarah poisoned that well. Why can't you just sit on your pile of ill-gained money? Oh yeah, ego. Go with that.
I actually know/knew two guys who had 'E types', each of 'em had two, since you'd be lucky if one of 'em ran at any given time. And that's with having a personal mechanic. Still,a beautiful car.
Carly'd be great at international diplomacy, because she'd be hard to read. She'd have the same look on her face if the Iranians said they'd end their nuclear program, or they said they'd bomb Israel into the stone age, since she now only has that one, store-bought expression.
First of all, if a member of the board says he made a mistake by voting to oust Fiorina, it's a big deal. Why? Because the board vote was very close, and if he had gone the other way, she would not have been terminated.
Second, stating "Perkins says it was a mistake to fire Fiorina for laying off 30,000 employees..." is false on two counts. The board never told Fiorina why it dismissed her, but she believes it was a power play. In addition, Fiorina was not a czar who fired people at will-- the board was part of the decision to terminate those employees.
Third, you cannot look at stock prices without putting those stock prices into the context of the times-- stock prices of all of the tech companies were tanking-- the great tech bubble collapsed. In addition, Wall Street disagreed with the Compaq merger and was punishing the stock price as a result. Later, however, the merger was largely seen as a good move. This happens all the time!! Wall Street gets things wrong and the stock price tanks, but then it turns out the street was wrong.
Finally, if board member Perkins is a ridiculous Nazi-referencing, unprincipled jerk-- doesn't that underscore the possibility that he lacked appropriate judgment when he voted to fire Fiorina?
The Perkins flip-flop is a boost to the Fiorina campaign despite attempts to undercut the news.
"Every CEO who screws up blames "the economy" or "the [blank] bubble""
You have to place information in context. If nearly all of the other companies in the sector are also tanking, that's a factor to take into consideration. "The stock price tanked" provides zero context and is misleading at best.
RE: The reason why the board dismissed her-- It appears that the "fact" in the blog post was false. Just pointing that out.
>> "Later, however, the merger was largely seen as a good move."Oh? By whom? <<
Get Googling. Here's one: "Six years later, after Fiorina's acrimonious 2005 departure — which many attributed largely to the merger — and the promotion of former NCR head Mark Hurd to lead HP, the consensus is that the merger was indeed a good idea." https://www.gsb.stanford.ed...
Everyone's record is a mixed bag. Fiorina is not perfect; no one is. Is simple fairness too much to ask?
i loved my palms. yeah, i had 2 of them and fuck you HP for destroying the brand.
The 1984 LA Olympics managed to pull off the nearly impossible feat of actually making money. (The Games also yielded a GINORMOUS medal haul for Team USA.) That was the main reason for the Draft Ueberroth boomlet. Say what you will about Peter Ueberroth, but he and the LAOOC performed miracles in 1984.
The Rasputin School of economics certainly makes more sense than the Austrian School.
Note to Carly: You aren't going to get the nomination. You also aren't going to get the VP slot because Sarah poisoned that well. Why can't you just sit on your pile of ill-gained money? Oh yeah, ego. Go with that.
E Type libelz!!1!
I actually know/knew two guys who had 'E types', each of 'em had two, since you'd be lucky if one of 'em ran at any given time. And that's with having a personal mechanic. Still,a beautiful car.
Carly'd be great at international diplomacy, because she'd be hard to read. She'd have the same look on her face if the Iranians said they'd end their nuclear program, or they said they'd bomb Israel into the stone age, since she now only has that one, store-bought expression.
Whew, lots to respond to in this Wonkette post.
First of all, if a member of the board says he made a mistake by voting to oust Fiorina, it's a big deal. Why? Because the board vote was very close, and if he had gone the other way, she would not have been terminated.
Second, stating "Perkins says it was a mistake to fire Fiorina for laying off 30,000 employees..." is false on two counts. The board never told Fiorina why it dismissed her, but she believes it was a power play. In addition, Fiorina was not a czar who fired people at will-- the board was part of the decision to terminate those employees.
Third, you cannot look at stock prices without putting those stock prices into the context of the times-- stock prices of all of the tech companies were tanking-- the great tech bubble collapsed. In addition, Wall Street disagreed with the Compaq merger and was punishing the stock price as a result. Later, however, the merger was largely seen as a good move. This happens all the time!! Wall Street gets things wrong and the stock price tanks, but then it turns out the street was wrong.
Finally, if board member Perkins is a ridiculous Nazi-referencing, unprincipled jerk-- doesn't that underscore the possibility that he lacked appropriate judgment when he voted to fire Fiorina?
The Perkins flip-flop is a boost to the Fiorina campaign despite attempts to undercut the news.
He's back. His name is Donald Trump.
You're disgusting. 'Nuff said.
Aaah. One of Carly's minions, eh? I pity the fool.
Why do think it is acceptable to call any woman a "cunt"? You're a vile person. Get help.
Every CEO who screws up blames "the economy" or "the [blank] bubble" (tech, housing, whatever). It's as sure as sunrise.
"The board never told Fiorina why it dismissed her, but she believes it was a power play."
Yeah, and I had an uncle who believed that he was the second coming of Jesus Christ. So what?
"Later, however, the merger was largely seen as a good move."
Oh? By whom?
"The Perkins flip-flop is a boost to the Fiorina campaign..."
Suuuure it is. Why, it might boost her poll standing to 7%.
"Every CEO who screws up blames "the economy" or "the [blank] bubble""
You have to place information in context. If nearly all of the other companies in the sector are also tanking, that's a factor to take into consideration. "The stock price tanked" provides zero context and is misleading at best.
RE: The reason why the board dismissed her-- It appears that the "fact" in the blog post was false. Just pointing that out.
>> "Later, however, the merger was largely seen as a good move."Oh? By whom? <<
Get Googling. Here's one: "Six years later, after Fiorina's acrimonious 2005 departure — which many attributed largely to the merger — and the promotion of former NCR head Mark Hurd to lead HP, the consensus is that the merger was indeed a good idea." https://www.gsb.stanford.ed...
Everyone's record is a mixed bag. Fiorina is not perfect; no one is. Is simple fairness too much to ask?