I think it's Carly. She's obviously had a few glasses of wine.

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In response to the billboard... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Hey Carly. I want to build a mosque right next to a Guns R Us. You gonna protect my ability to practice my religion? I'm also organizing a Pastafarian pro-life demonstration in front of the Olive Garden off Route 20. You wouldn't believe what goes on in there. Can you help me get a permit?

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Sorry, I just can't get beyond the fact that Carly Fiorna looks like her face would shatter into a million tiny pieces if she ever falls over.

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I imagine the "chronically ill" figure tracks closely with the number of obese kids in the US. Maybe "Big Pharma" should develop a vaccine against Coke and Twinkies. BTW, the tiger repelling rock on your front yard needs its battery replaced.

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Two companies. Lucent was screwed too.

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Inject the Botox in my skin - or you will get the hose agin

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http://www.examiner.com/art..."‘Bought’ movie: Full of appalling misinformation"

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Naturalnews sampling: "Planned Parenthood false flag: they hacked their own website to play victim as a public relations gimmick"Eurweb Article: Data suppressed by the CDC proved that the MMR vaccine produces a 340% increased risk of autism in African-American boys. Check out nice fact check: http://www.snopes.com/medic...ora.tv: Not a medical/scientific discussion: "Jesse Ventura discusses whether or not we own the rights to our own bodies when it comes to vaccinations"

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can someone tell her head bobbling every time she speaks is not attractive or needed! Please, Bobblehead Fiorina.

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Sometimes I'm for something before I'm against it!

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Seriously???? Well...that seems credible..

A quick visit to that site seems to demonstrate that it really should be called Nutbag Conspiracy Paranoia Clearinghouse.

Is it cynical of me to think that the owners of the site are heavily invested in tinfoil futures?

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Oh is that the "problem," cupcake?

Or is the "problem" really the appalling lack of actual science education in this country?

Do yourself a favor - start with http://www.badscience.net/ and then work your way back through all of the derpy crap you conspiracy theorists espouse.


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Right, moron. And what happens when my 7yo comes home with the measles virus, which he is protected from, because of how I am not an idiot, but it spreads to my newborn infant, who has no protection?

Take your anti-vax bullshit elsewhere, we're done with you here.

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