This woman has blood on her hands and I hope that at some point she finds what remains of her soul, and the murders she had a hand in inciting haunt her for the rest of her life. Carly Fiborina, you are scum.

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Color Laser is the only way to go, won't dry up if you don't use it every year. They do cost more, because they don't give you the printer so they can hold you hostage for the ink...

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she is truly a soulless beast-may she rot for these murders she was part of...

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iCarly deserves a new nickname: FemTrump (people who have played Mass Effect will catch the reference). Instead being just a general racist asshole from the black pit of America's id she's the misogynist bitch from the same black pit....

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AH ha! I get it now. So despite that the majority of the electorate does not actually agree with them, it is because those who do not are not really American. I get it now.Fair is fair though, can we now call them Not American (tm) and call ourselves the True Americans?

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Why, oh why doesn't Planned Parenthood sue Fiorina for libel?

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Then the jellyfish agonizingly passed away.

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Cosmetic surgery?

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the koch brothers aren't interested in any of the current candidates because they can't possibly win so they have redirected most* of their money to local and state elections.

*most because they want to keep their dirty fingers in the game . . . just in case.

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"amateur self-taxidermist"

FTFY . . . had to.

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because they would have to prove malice?

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Because, despute all the immature blustering and junior-high postering, they are quivering pussies who don't have the courage of thier own convictions. This is why they constantly have to engage in manufactured consensus. Their egos would implode if they discovered how unpopular thier idiocy really was (which is where bullying intimidation comes in.)

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Nah. That doesn't really work, 'cause FemShep is (obviously) the superior Shepard, while Fiorina is vastly more boring than Trump. Both make stupid, easily disproved lies all the time, but she's way too boring to just openly embrace fascism the way Trump has.

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And they would have to prove damages. Which, given our civil justice system, would have to be monetized damages to PP (e.g., dead people wouldn't count).

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David Waldman (@KagroX) said on his radio show this morning that the PP shooting was a result of "The Fiorina Effect". Like the Ferguson Effect, except, you know, real.

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