... I was just contemplating the memory of riding the high-speed rail through the German countryside and seeing majestic turbines toiling silently in the distance and comparing them to the old pollution-belching smokestacks of old. Like you, I know exactly which one I would rather see. How is this even a debate?

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"The bit about the "looks so unsightly!!!!" Is the real issue. They look AWFUL next to the golf course, you know." That was the essence of Trumpty Dumpty's fight against them in Scotland - they 'cheapened' the view of his elitist golf course (oh, and probably because they made a mess of his carefully-coiffed cotton candy hairstyle also, too). Jeebus, Donny... it's not like it's a public botanical garden or park, it's an artificially contrived playing field where participants are only concerned about watching where they whack a little ball. Given that anything with the Trump name attached is unsightly, I'd say the wind turbines actually class up the place.

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Her ignorance is breathtaking.

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This is the Mayor of Ontario. The Mayor of Canada never met a fossil fuel he didn't want to gay-marry.

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Mmm, songbird pate'...

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In her latest New Yorker article about climate change--this one is a semi-profile of the woman running the international agency charged with stopping it--Elizabeth Kolbert dismisses the Republicans in Congress in two contemptuous sentences. She evidently doesn't even think they're worth considering long enough to complain about them.

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Say what you will about Katie Couric, the fact that she didn't lose her mind and gnaw Fiorina's face off after the second dodge shows she's a better person than I am.

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And here I thought Mittens Romney was The Second Coming of Reagan.

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Maybe off-topic (or maybe on-topic?), but I always hear about the proverbial Welfare Queen Buying Lobster. I always imagine that starving for the rest of the month would be punishment enough for anyone dumb enough to spend their meager funds on ONE plate of giant aqua-spider.

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High rises? Hell, I found a beautiful imprint of a pigeon- wings spread and everything, like it descended from heaven through parted clouds- on the back window of my in-laws' place. This was on the ground floor of a house that's about... *counts on fingers* oh, two miles in and ten yards up from the sea.

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Cross-party debate? Hell, I'd settle for a good ol'-fashioned fistfight at this point.

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There's even a species named the Coal Tit http://www.thebritishbirds....

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The bit about the "looks so unsightly!!!!" Is the real issue. They look AWFUL next to the golf course, you know.

Also, too "Let me rephrase it. Or actually just repeat it." Did Katie really say that in those very words? Because if she did, I suddenly got a huge hard on for KC and I don't even have a P-ness. Paging Gwen Ifill!

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The entire Pentagon, too. Army, Navy, Airforce* and Marines (and Coast Guard) are absolutely on board with the entire climate change is really fucking hard core bad for national security

*Maybe not the elite sky pilots because though they are told it, they are largely creationist republican douchenozzles and I guess if you defy gravity for a living denial is second nature, but the remainder of the airforce is on board.

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But, but ...Solyndra.

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The dirty hippies in Hawaii are aiming for 100% clean energy in 30 years, and are ahead of their targets at the moment.

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