No. Lindsey would kill for that skirt. Simply lines that say "maybe". Actually, I wonder, is it Presidential trait to be "coy"?

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Should she win the GOP nomination for President, she will be able to announce that she won more votes as a female Republican than any other female Republican candidate for the office, ever.

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Ms. Fiorina, if your record at HP was so great, how come my printer ink costs so damn much?

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Is there nothing Billary won't steal? Is their greed ever satisfied?

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Well, she will fail at the latter, which blessedly means she won't get a shot to fail at the former.

That said, I have worked with many ex-Compaq and ex-HP people over the years, and the universal consensus was that she failed at at least corporate governance. (Not that that maps very well to actual governance; just saying.)

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Choice isn't very hard. At all.

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Not to mention Rand Paul!

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She probably thinks the presidency is about her...don't she?...

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You can see "REMO" faintly on her forehead, I think.

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Why can't I get mine to behave?...

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"Who has accomplished enormous things in life"

You mean like destroying Lucent and running HP into the ground?

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Has poor Carly suffered a brain injury? That would explain quite a lot, including her delusions, her math, her decision-making, her vacant eyes, her hair, and her facial expressions.

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She also had more people voting AGAINST her than almost anybody else in 2010,

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Oh, she tore Carly a new one, last week. It was impressive, though very unusual for Mika the Stoogette...

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Between the Pedarestroom and the Unqualified Retreat...

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...her party affiliation...

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