yay, 80's!

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I lived in the Northern Virginia area, so I saw them like 4 times in one week at 4 different venues. That was also the time that I realized that homophobia was stupid.

'Do you know that Rob Halford is GAY!''Yup''Doesnt that bother you?''Why would it? Does it bother YOU?'

Ive always appreciated not having to compete against the top 10% of the male population in looks, fashion sense, sensitivity and coolness for dates.

Have a great day!

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Hewlett-Packard was a international force and she managed to bring that down.

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And cheap back then, very cheap.Just like today!

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When Fiorina mentioned (at the debate) that Jobs had called her with soothing words after she got her ass canned, it set my bullshit alarm off. Since she's been proven to be a bald-faced liar and Jobs is unable to confirm her story, I'm inclined to think she made it up.Anyway, interesting story- thanks. From what I've read, she had little regard for the R & D "geeks" at HP/Compaq and no understanding of what they did, giving them the shit end of the stick repeatedly.

Your linky is broken, so allow me to repost : )


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Dennis, his name is Dennis, but you didn't bother to look it up, did you? At least you didn't sign it 'old woman'.

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I thought Repugs denounced such degrees as elitest piffle?

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Grr. I grind my teeth about Rethugs and their choices. Like getting hit by a drunk driver, contracting a ruinous illness, or being short-sighted enough not to be born into wealth.

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Cash or EBT?

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They'll settle for "Mr. President". And work on making it hereditary.

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A friend told me domestic turkeys are so stupid that if you leave them out in the rain they'll look up, open their beaks to get a drink and then drown. Is that true?

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I've never raised any turkeys, but a lot of other fowl- chickens, geese, ducks, an emu, peacocks.

I was considering getting some bourbon turkeys, but one day I was out on my mail route and saw a fourteen or fifteen year old getting his ass beat by a turkey. The turkey had ripped his shirt open. My first thought was "Why the fuck is that young'un beating that turkey?"

Then I read up on turkey management. The source said it was often dangerous work.

So I got peacocks, which are also a kind of pheasant. One of the males decided his mission in life was to end mine. He would track me, flying to whatever limb of a tree brought him closest to a window of the house where he could see me. Once he chased me into the loft of our barn.

Another time, in front of a small group of people including my wife, our vet, and a vet tech, he approached me, flew up and kicked me in the crotch with both feet. Dropped me. When I recovered, i tried to go for his neck, but my wife stopped me. She was right. I would have felt bad, even though the fucker deserved it.

After that, the vet (an otherwise very proper country girl) always asked how he was doing while obviously laughing at my ass.

Animals sap your dignity.

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She's apparently now also saying that there's a list of "people who should not have guns" but can't produce it, describe how it came about, what sort of people are on it, who is compiling it, or where it is. In other words, she just made it up.

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Fans are still split over the infamous "Red Caucus" episode.

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Nobody ever reads a graduate rhesus for fun.

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