You can hear it in her first scene in A New Hope, when she sasses Darth Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin.

(Full disclosure - the offspring and I have been doing a lot of binge-watching recently, and just finished the Star Wars movies in time to see Rogue One...it was 3rd on our list, after The West Wing and the Harry Potter movies.)

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Aw, shit--Carrie's mother, Debbie Reynolds just died too. Jesus fuck, will this nightmare of a year ever end?

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Not too surprised about Debbie Reynolds, as Carrie was her heart...hope they're together, wherever...

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Oh, okay, that makes sense. Poor thing. You're right, it's probably the other meds. I so, so, so wish she'd seen a doctor in London before coming home. We could have had a David Letterman scenario instead of the ghastly confluence of heart attack on a transAtlantic flight and no emergency equipment or nearby ER.

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We celebrated Carrie Fisher's life chez Zyxomma by watching Maps to the Stars, in which CF has a small but pivotal role. RIP, Carrie, and Debbie Fisher also, too.

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Yeah. Most planes have an AED now at least, but if it's a massive enough heart attack even that won't be enough. This is probably a good place to remind everyone that the early signs of coronary artery disease are different in women than in men, and that the signs that everyone knows about are the signs that occur in men but are not common in women.

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It's worth it alone for the animated sequence that introduces Boba Fett.

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Bowie lived in NYC.

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See Robin Wright in The Congress. Right now.

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Have you seen the woman he married? More Botox than Egg Romney.

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You've done plenty, and you'll do plenty more!

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There's no fictional characters. Just people who inhabit a slightly different place from the rest of us.I always loved what Vaughn Bodé, though his mouthpiece Cheech Wizard, said in one of his collections: 'Every time you read us in this Book we come again into yer head. Alive as any thought you ever thunk.'... onion ninjas are siting on my chest now...

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Not my favourite, but I can't count the number of times I've read it. If there's a better constructed book I have yet to read it.

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I stand corrected. It's both. :)

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I seriously loved Carrie fisher, the person. What a mouth she had.

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Never met her, but an awful lot of people of a certain age are exactly that.

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