i'm just glad he can't talk faster.

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Or a job training program, small business startup money, relocation costs...so that when the plant in Mexico is fully operational and those jobs get outsourced anyway, they still have a chance to make a living.

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I am seriously, and truly exhausted from all this winning. So far the neo-Nazis, the climate deniers, large corporations, the bat-shit demented Christian fetus-firstous crowd, conspiracy nuts, defense contractors, Taiwan, and now Mexico.... man there is so much winning. I can't keep track.

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Better ask if the republic's done. Had to get rid of that evil government doncha know. Now it's Trump's way or the highway, which is gonna be a private toll road, by the way.

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Probably so, though if he stopped to think about it, when you are the Leader of the Free World and thus a target to everyone at all times, you probably wanna just pay for all the security bells and whistles and not nickel-and-dime anything.

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getting rid of union workers makes it all the better for the Trump minions - to bad for them it wasn't public unions losing jobs - yet

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this is the Charlie Sheen of WINNING !

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But it's cheaper for the states if the workers just claim disability for their diabetes (federal $$); then they can sit idle, in poverty, till booze or oxy takes them out. The new American Dream!

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The critical failure point is that he'd have to stop to think about anything.

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nope! . . . the big winner is the country that AF-1 flies over often (like all the over-the-pole flights) just after leaving US airspace . . . they have some pretty sophisticated jet fighters too.

yup . . . it's Canada.

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nah . . . they would demand he buy a second plane, identical to the first . . . and he couldn't fly for the four (or eight) years it would take to retrofit his jet and the backup.

[ and there's no way t'Rump can afford that without a loan from a Russian bank ]

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And they should watch that. Mexico turns out more engineering grads than we have jobs for right now, and engineering has always been a high status occupation here.

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can't believe I still have this entire song memorized

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All in favor of leaving off all the high tech security and anti-aircraft counter systems in order to save costs on Herr Trumpenfurher's airplane.....

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Trump's regime will have more generals than Pinochet and more oligarchs than Yeltsin.

Only in the US can an anti-union oligarch present himself as a populist "man of the people."

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Clinton and Democrats all her lifetime did not fight for card check after Republicans started attacking unions, certainly no where near as hard as for corporate protectionist, protection-racket trade pacts or deregulation. Too may union workers did not agree that Clinton has been supporting unions all her life, but at least they spent hundreds of millions on convincing the rank and file to vote for her and gotv.

After Trump announced that he had saved the jobs Carrier planned to off shore, Jones apologized for having doubted Trump and given Trump a hard time ever since Trump started campaigning on his promise to save the Carrier jobs.

Then Jones was told Trump was coming on a victory tour and to wait (for hours, vainly) for Trump to meet with him. Then Jones listened to Trump say he hadn't meant it when he promised to save their jobs.

Then Jones, who should have been in the loop of job saving, has to do all the leg work to find out that Carrier is still shipping out half his union's jobs. And that Trump is lying everywhere about saving all the jobs.

Now Jones is getting death threats.

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