Cassidy Hutchinson Says Trump Sang Along To 'Hang Mike Pence' Chants Like It Was The Damn Wiggles
Plus DRUDGE SIRENS Matt Gaetz is gross.
We haven’t had a chance to dive into all the excerpts coming out from American hero Cassidy Hutchinson’s new book — hush up, it took SERIOUS CHOOTSPAH for her to come out and testify to the House January 6 Select Committee as a mid-20s aide when all the grown-up grownups around her went into witness protection — aside from how she says Rudy Giuliani celebrated his attempted January 6 coup by groping her.
But here’s a new one to chew on!
According to Hutchinson, Donald Trump didn’t just watch the calls to hang Mike Pence on TV — calls that were part of the terrorist attack against the United States he incited — he sang along at home!
MeidasTouch has the transcript, which Rachel Maddow read out loud last night on her show. We’re just gonna leave this one here:
Jim Jordan calls minutes later. I feel a pang of hope. "One sec, I'll go get him."
I go to the dining room. "Is Mark [Meadows] in there?" I ask the valet.
He nods.
I look through the peephole and see the back of his suit. I open the door to get his attention. The group is having a heated conversation about the rioters.
Mark sees me, and I point at the phone screen, where Jim's caller ID is visible. He comes over to take the phone, propping the door open with his body as he talks to Jim.
I take a few steps back as Mark takes my place in the doorway and I strain to listen to both conversations. The TV in the Oval dining room is blaring. The president is yelling.
What is he saying? I can't make it out. I hear him say "hang" repeatedly. Hang? Hang? What's that about? Mark hands his phone back to me. The cue for me to return to my desk.
Back in my office, my phone notifies me of a Trump tweet: "Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our country and our constitution, giving states a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!"
I'm struggling to process what's happening as Mark, Pat Cipollone, Pat Philbin, and Eric Herschmann stumble back into the office. I overhear their conversation, and suddenly everything makes sense.
They are calling for the vice president to be hanged.
The president is okay with it.
He doesn't want to do anything.
He doesn't think they're doing anything wrong.
He thinks Mike is a traitor.
This is crazy. We need to be doing something more.
Yeah, pretty fuckin’ crazy. (Trump denies it, so take that as you will.)
Hutchinson previously testified to the January 6 Committee that Mark Meadows had told then-White House Counsel Pat Cipollone that Trump thought Pence “deserves it.”
So it tracks that he was bouncing in his high chair and clapping his hands and repeating what he saw the Wiggles say on TV. Except it wasn’t the Wiggles, it was the January 6 attackers, and he was the president.
Every time we get more vivid details about these stories, they get worse. There’s never anything exonerating. Every time, Donald Trump is exposed more and more as the greatest traitor this country has ever known.
We’ll end this post with a video of Hutchinson on Maddow last night saying she never dated Matt Gaetz, because she has much higher standards in men than that. It was in context of a discussion of all the times Republican men, including Trump, were fucking gross to her.
Maddow read a line from the book, where Hutchinson recounted something Gaetz said to her: “He chuckled and brushed his thumb across my chin. ‘Has anyone ever told you you’re a national treasure?’”
(Please go vomit as needed.)
Maddow read another excerpt about a thing Gaetz reportedly did at Camp David, when it sounds like he was pretending to be lost and unable to find his cabin, so he could convince Hutchinson to go with him. Hutchinson explained that all the cabins were marked, just go around the circle drive, it’s literally impossible to get lost. Gaetz kept begging her. At some point, witnessing this, Kevin McCarthy said, “Get a life, Matt.”
Maddow’s show reached out to Gaetz, who said he “doubts” Hutchinson’s allegations about him, but claimed he and Hutchinson used to date, years ago, when they were both single.
And that’s when Hutchinson said that yes, they were friends at one point, but “I will say on behalf of myself I never dated Matt Gaetz. I have much higher standards in men. And Matt, frankly, is a very unserious politician.” And more!
Hutchinson also stands by all her allegations about Rudy Giuliani, and said she agreed with Maddow’s characterization of them as “gross.”
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What makes this delicious is that any prepared remarks Trump had for tomorrow are going out the window. He’s going to spend the whole time in Detroit whining and bragging, and doing nothing to help his campaign. UAW workers love it when guys in suits get on the stage and brag about how wealthy they are.
Tomorrow I have to get up very early, I have an 8:30 am dentist appointment and takes an hour to get there. Finally moving on to the next step. The measuring of my bite to see how big to make the teeth. The part that fits over the gums is done, apparently they use a chunk of wax attached to that to do the measuring. As long as it doesn't involve choking on goo like in prior visits I'm good, I just hate getting up so early as I am a night owl.