Even an embryo can't do much with a microscopic gun.

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I'm surprised at that, since Catholics tend to be less conservative than more evangelical Christians, supporting action on climate change, help for refugees, significant charity for the poor, and acceptance of homosexuals (but not, obviously, gay marriage, gay parental rights, gay sex, gays having jobs etc).

Perhaps Texan Catholics are less tolerant than Victorian Catholics, who overall are even ok with euthanasia and abortion.

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I do. My bad.

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Not to get too off-topic in the comments (which don't exist) but I think people tend to veer towards the majority opinion, even when they are in the minority. They just use different rationales.

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That's a good point. We can all just go back to blaming Texas as a whole, then.

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But if we can't have guns in church how will we teach our children about Jesus' first miracle at the wedding where he transformed the grooms semi-automatic into a fully automatic?

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Meanwhile, less wimpy churches are updating certain verses from the Bible. For example: Psalm 64:7 But God will shoot at them [CUT "with an arrow"]; Suddenly they will be wounded.Psalm 91:5 You will not be afraid of the terror by night, Or of the [CHANGE "arrow" TO "bullets"] that flie{s} by day.Proverbs 25:18 Like a club and a sword and a [CHANGE "sharp arrow" to "concealed firearm"] Is a man who bears false witness against his neighbor.

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Nun Libelz!!!! writing with the left hand would oft get you smacked with that yard stick, boy howdy

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I sounds like whitroth has spent too much time listening to Vito Barbieri.


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Forget the stinking Department of Justice, let's bring Trial by Ordeal back to America ... oops! .... that's right! Medieval Era Americans weren't that savage.

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That is pretty cool. New Pope is the BEST pope and mostly because he actually talks about all the loving kindness stuff that the Jesus guy mentioned once or twice. Tis refreshing.

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Interview his neighbors about he has been saying, I bet he's a communist.

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Do any Texans care what the Catholic Church does? Aren't they all evangelicals anyway??

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When liquid courage isn't enough you need about three months of boot camp.

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Just don't forget to take a gun to brunch.

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