Don't need no virgin priest.

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I watch Fox News and vote Republican --- Jesus would never protest or do anything controversial

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all churches are losing the youngsters -- kids are waking up to the draconian, medieval BS.....

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I've fornicated whilst drunk.


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Who hasn't?

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that eliminates most republicans!

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Doesn'tth at cancel out?

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The RCC sacrament is Holy Matrimony, according the the Baltimore Cataclysm of my youth. Marriage is a civil contract licensed by the state government. As long as the gay couple don't get a church religious rite, then the RCC should haven o more objection than they have for all the American women in the RCC who use birth control (IIRC, over 70%).

Bishops should just be happy the kids even attend their damn schools. Gods know they won't attend church when they wise up in college.

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The teacher in Arkansas was told flat out that she could keep her job if she got a divorce.

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That's okay, can you imagine the estate taxes you'd have to pay on that thing?

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Truthfully I wouldn't mind bringing back Latin for the ceremonial aspects of Mass, not that that would get me to go again. It's so mind-numbingly boring in English after the first five hundred or so times that a different language would be great for mixing things up. Then again, I've never tried attending Mass in the age of smartphones, so that might help even more.

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It's not a sin to be gay, it's just objectively disordered or something similar according to Natural Law (or maybe his brother Cardinal). You're just supposed to remain celibate. Thankfully my bishop just decided to get frisky with another priest instead rather than messing with an acolyte or something.

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Does the school also fire teachers who divorce and remarry or who marry outside of the Church when at least one party is Catholic?

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That's actually sort of ridiculously cute.

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Is this like damnation bingo? 'Cause I'm only doing so-so.

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Better to have my mom's boogers in my hair than God's love singeing it.

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