Hawaiians didn't kill the Lord; they killed Jack Lord.

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But how could that be, when we <em>all</em>* know it was 60s hippies that forced the priests to bugger those boys.

* all of us called Bill Donahue who are raging assholes running organizations dedicated to spewing the most loathesome shit imaginable 24/7, that is.

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That her story and she's sticking to it.

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<blockquote>I bet when he isn't promoting the League, he is jerking off <strike>to</strike> guys in funny hats who live in Rome. </blockquote>

FIFY. I mean, he had to get official recognition <em>somehow</em>.

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An adoption is a sad story with a happy ending. Shame on you Bill Donohue.

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the current crop of catholics is making the borgias look enlightened.

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Birth control? Nope. Abortion? No way! Adoption? Pathetic. Welfare for the teen mom? You have got to be kidding me! What's left then, deportation? Now you're talking!

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Catholics, who operate the nation's biggest network of adoption agencies, are now against adoption.

Isn't it time the phrase "self-hating Catholic" came to eclipse the more commonly heard alternative mentioning a different religious group?

BTW, I'm feeling particularly nauseous right now, because I made the epic mistake of starting to read that Scarborough Country transcript. Bleurgh! If ever I need an emetic, I know where to turn.

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