Now, now. I'm sure some of our bear or chubby-chaser brethren are fapping as we speak. Takes all kinds!

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'CATO', of course, being a shorthand used by many in various engineering disciplines to mean 'catastrophe' or 'catastrophic'.

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This is good news for the old conservative white people who work at the welfare office with me.

You'd be surprised how many people who hate government programs work for government programs.

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This makes too much sense, I wonder how many cubic yards of arglebargle would be required to counteract it.

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Lord, sometimes I am thankful that it has been a decade since I looked for a job...

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Are sure the CATO institute isn’t some sort of sarcasm club or a branch of The Onion?

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None of this would be a problem if they'd just bring back slavery.

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How much are these guys getting paid? If it is above minimum wage it's too much.

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I wouldn't trust those guys to do an adequate job of cleaning my toilet...

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Sadly, we no longer have a relationship with that client. Our pricing options weren't competitive with "Three College Students and a Wordpress Install" Development, Inc..

I could still dig up the URL, but last I peeked, things weren't looking good...

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First against the wall? Man, it had better be a damn big wall at this point...

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