Gawd dayyuumm how long afore another teevee channel news group is saying sorry for being fuck ups like CNN or will CBS just say FOX it we aint saying we are sorry for lying to you dumb fucks

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A caller disguising his voice calls CBS with a tip.

"I have a tip about Darrell Issa. And his stories. My name? You can call me Deep Throat."

"Wow your voice! It is really a little hoarse!"

"No, I said, <i>Darrell Issa,</i> so those aren't little horses, they're <i>goats.</i>"


"Nevermind. Look the story here is that everything Darrell Issa says is trr... " *cough* "Ahem, sorry, if Darrell says anything, it's trr... " *coughing fit*

"True? I KNEW IT!" *runs off to newsroom*

"...Turds. Everything he says is turds... Are turds...? Hello? Are you still there?"

annnd... SCENE

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"So happy <b>Blovember</b>, everyone. In celebration, we sincerely encourage Issa to go blow a goat."

Wow, first "No Shave November" (which quickly turns into "No Sex November"), and now this.

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<i> the special Duck Dynasty installment of Dancing with the Stars</i> I don't have cable. Please tell me that this is not a thing. Because after DWTS's lineup included Bristol Palin and Tom Delay, I would absolutely believe DD would appear on it.

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Journalism's race to the bottom continues.

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Dead Brietbart is have a happy day in news hell.

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Dunno. I watch* Chris Matthews interrupt people and change the subject like a drunk in a bar. _________________________ * listen. i'm usually on my laptop perusing my intensedebate scores for hours at night.

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