CBS was not alone in cashing in on Orange Idiot sh!tshow ratings.

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Was Mulvaney the one who was always crying because he couldn’t control Shitler, or was that Mark Meadows? I can’t keep TFG’s flunkies straight.

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Bob Haldeman is rolling over in his grave. If he'd lived during our times, he'd have his own show on Fox with his co-host Kyle Rittenhouse.

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Bear was more interested in pick-a-nick baskets.

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Hmmm... 🤔

Those are excellent points. Thank you!

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Hence the reason they Amended the Constitution to make the debate moot.

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FUCK you, CBS.

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I thought he was the one hiding in the bushes? I can't keep track either.

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I didn't say that. I am only showing the obvious that was made obvious by Les Moonves.

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In the interim between slobbering on Trump's knob and whomever's knob he slobbered for CBS, this alleged sentient being was shilling for PCmatic on cable. Really scraping.

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And those fuckers hired Jonah "Doughy Pantload" Goldberg!

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Here's the thing about that. I do not know his politics now or then, but I do believe that he meant that only in the sense that Trump was good for the ratings, not just for CBS, and was NOT an endorsement from him or CBS.And he even stated that when asked about it later.

Of course, the liberal media has never existed, but I don't think that comment made any diffrence whatsoever, so to use that an as example means nothing. The MSM would've covered whomever was in the horse race even if it was Putin and Bolsonaro.

Thing is, Moonves was absolutely right.

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"Republicans whine about cancel culture yet CBS is cutting checks for someone who doesn't even believe the Washington Post, New York Times, or CNN are "reliable sources". Looks like CBS has become another "reliable source".

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Youv'e got a good point.Thanks!

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I always chalked that up to a diversity hire.

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"It’s still America for another nine months..." and people like Mulvaney will be right there on TV after that (if they're not rewarded with a new position in govt.), cheerleading our descent into madness

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