What, exactly, was "everything" I was "whining" about? Did i say a single fucking thing at all about my personal circumstances, or compare it to others better or worse off? I said, very specifically, that our federal-and in the case of Arizona-state government has failed us on the most most fundamental level at which any government under any ideology is supposed to function...in this case, in the biggest crisis in at least 60 years. Go lecture the ICU staff working 16 hour shifts at the hospital a few blocks away from me about staying home and wearing masks.

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Predator 6, The Pink Bus of Derp

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You can't have a scary "second wave" if you just accept infections as a normal part of life! It's just people getting sick, like how they get colds every year! Sure, maybe SOME people will suffer terribly or linger on ventilators and then die, but PFFFFFFT, at least you can go to a bar to drown your sorrows when your mom goes! FUCK THIS ADMINISTRATION.

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No, I was telling my shrink the same thing when he asked how I was doing. “Better than most people, weirdly. I think I was made for this”. My ADHD I can see positives in; it can impair my ability to function well in society, but I’m pretty sure hyperfocus is an actual superpower. The depression though, I’ve never seen how it could help in any situation, ever. Until now! I lost entire springs and summers because of depression for years. I’ve missed weddings, parties, my own graduation. I GOT THIS. I know better than to sit around thinking about all the things I’ve missed out on or am going to miss out on. My “normal” friends and fam are frantically trying to figure out what Christmas is going to look like this year, and they’re miserable. You can’t think too far into the future. Don’t make any big plans. Learn to celebrate the tiniest victories. Accept that you just might not leave the house for months. Seriously, just giving up on looking forward to anything is the very best tool I have in my toolbox right now. Boy, I never thought that would come in handy.

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Could the Fundigelicals have promised Trump a miracle cure, just in time to save his re-election bid? You know, like his televangelical lady friend who says to send her your mortgage money, because your faith will be rewarded with lottery winnings or whatever?

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It may be tough but you can't turn down work in this economy.

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holy fuck I've been watching Florida...9000 in a day, it was like 4000 what, last week? Well, if anyone wanted a nice demonstration of exponential growth, we are getting that.

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If we quit counting sick people, only count well people (including the not-yet-tested or already dead), we're doing very well indeed!And the PeeResident takes pride in knowing that our body-bag production is the envy of the world.

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When we're up to nine of ten thousand cases a day, everything will come to a screeching halt here. People bitched and moaned about phase one? Hold my beer.

He won't have a choice. People have noticed he doesn't give a damn and it won't matter how many big donors he has if no one will vote for him.

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The city of Burleson just mandated masks in all businesses and boy are people howling.

I personally am DONE with assholes who can't be bothered to wear masks. If your ego is that fragile, stay home.

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anesthesiologists and CRNA's have the worst potty mouths!

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Well! He sure showed you, didn't he!! Don't you feel bad that he was mildly inconvenienced and now has to sit at home without any groceries?

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For the record:Rockland County NY has gone a full seven days without a COVID-19 death.For the first time in over three months, the number of people in NY hospitals because of COVID-19 has dipped below 1,000. That's the ENTIRE STATE.https://www.lohud.com/story...

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The fucking gawd damned BEST!

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A thoughtful response to news of the burgeoning crisis in Wuhan in January (yes, it's possible to react that early) would have been to adopt the tests already developed by WHO, invoke the "do it or else" act (I forget what that's called; it's the thing that Trump had to be browbeaten into doing for ventilators and PPE) for PPE, since Wuhan was one of the primary sources and was going into complete lockdown, and to proactively perform testing on arrivals from any international arrivals who had traveled through a region noted as experiencing epidemic. Since we're so damned determined to be independent, tell all of those travelers that they need to try to self-isolate for a week (January, remember; we didn't have much information about onset and the usual rule of thumb is about a week) and make sure that they can contact CDC-vetted people if they start showing symptoms.

From there, things would've ramped up—we prolly already had community transmission in January, if I'm reading and remembering the old data right (I'm not a medical expert by any means). Bad things may still have happened! But this clown show? No. Yes, any call for shutdown (which prolly had to happen) would have been met with anger and resistance. It would've been manageable, in my opinion.

That's (one example of) what a professional response might have looked like!

But we went to Jared. * spit *

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