Oh no! We will run out of reality show recruits.

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Yr Wonkette won't get even a second glance from my teenage daughter unless it brings a TARDIS and a sonic screwdriver.

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Speaking of "Hillbillies with Backhoes" I can relate. While driving down a back road in NM we passed a sign advertising "Cheap-O-Backhoe and Septic Servic". My brother (who was in the sign business) figured the guy had over shot his advertising budget and couldn't afford the final "e" in service.

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Hey there! How you doing?

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Bah, you're not a real old-timer. There was enough room in the back seat of a '72 Olds to host a whole orgy.

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Let me see iffin I got this right Obammy,tellin kids that they dont have to stop usin theys talleywhackers and wollybugers as longs as the wollybugers havers keep takin the slut pills what he keeps throwin out the winder of airplane #1 an it is workin in movin the knocked up rate down.I might not got this figured right but wont they also too start makin the obortshun rate go done with fewer as many of them woomenz not gettin knocked up and all.That Obammy is one smart feller he gives away slut pills and that keeps womeenz from gettin pregnated and theys get to do all the diddlin they like

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1964 Deuce and a Quarter. The front seat went back far enough, there was room in the front seat.

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Once upon a time many teenagers wanted to grow up to be president. Now they all want to be Kardashians.

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They're probably all going gay.

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