Please Please Please Let me Let me Sit where I want This time

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I like to be philosophical about things like this. If you can't be victimized by goonish conservative adolescent assholes, who can you be victimized by?

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I guess I should be honored in a way. It's taken me weeks to get up to 97P, but overnight it dropped 14 points. My pointless ramblings and shameless attempts to get a laugh are that much of a threat or that offensive?

If so, good.

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Yes, sort of. Five minutes into this: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watc..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXbCwq4ewBU">http://www.youtube.com/watc...

No,it's probably not worth sitting through unless you're a fan of Britrap. In which case you'd sit through anything anyway.

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Faceless maybe...but I see your foot.

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What happened to that promise that you made?

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Oh. I heard he just bought the used ones from the boys. There was a guy in Philadelphia who really did buy teenage boy's underwear and socks. Far from being freaked out, the boys were quite pleased with their gold mine.

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<i>Breitbartsack or two among us, scanning through the comments and deflating the scores of target Wonketters </i>

I'm at a loss for words about how mind bogglingly sad that is. Really...it seems to me that most of the folks here go out and do good stuff for the world, but come here for the larfs and to blow off steam. To think that there is a paid/unpaid drone for a rightwing sweaty ballsack whose sole job is to go in to another site and fuck with the comments is astounding. Are these people that insecure/paranoid? Does Breitbart have that large an insecure overweening ego?

Well...to paraphrase Jesus..."There will be douchebags with us always."

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a laurel, and hearty handshake

I'd like to profess my love and devotion to you, Prommie. Publicly.

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There is a band named Julian Assange?

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"Julian Assange is now being sought by Interpol" = "Diplomatic leaks, uh... Hey! Look over there! "

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OT - Not that it matters...just curious you understand. But, why did my p-score go from a sparkling 97 to a pedestrian 83? Have I offended the Wonkette gods in someway? Like I said, not that it really matter, especially since LimeyLizzie said she loved me. ;-)

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You know...this is a lot like the folks that share the road with me on the clogged artery I call my commute. They're being all kind and all to the 3...4...5 people, letting them in, yet forgetting that they're being rude to the 150 drivers behind them who just want to get where they're fucking going.

On second thought, this has nothing to do with my p-score...I just wanted to bitch about my drive.

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Interpol is searching for him for...sexual violations? What a coincidence.

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Bryan Fischer called to tell you how gay that statement is.

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I've been hoarding p's in the face of the apocalypse that will ensue if Sarah Palin somehow gets elected to something. And I'm not giving them back.

Oh crap, mine went down too.

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