I wouldn't bet on a settlement for this one. She has no case and they can stick her with the lawyer bills for wasting their time.

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"Loss of unvested funds"? So she's pissed she got fired before she could get 100% of her employer's discretionary matching in her 401k or something? OH NO! Your EXTRA money!!! Poor thing!

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Oh god a hundred times this. The leash is for the dog's protection as well as the protection of other humans, other dogs, and other animals.We love our dog companions, but even the best-trained canine can be impulsive, unpredictable, and hard to control, and sometimes that leads to a bad situation for all parties.

I honestly get the desire to let a beloved pet off the leash, but there are places for that. This area had posted signs to keep your dog on a lead. I don't even care if Christian Cooper was being aggressive in confronting her about it and made *her*feel threatened, she was the one who was flaunting the rules, and the dude was exasperated. The fact that he may have had a record of scolding people in the Bramble to leash their dogs...does not help her case. The fact that she kept on stating that he was a Black person puts the lie to any "woe is me, I was misunderstood" kind of narrative.

She could have taken this incident to be humbled, reform, reflect, and try to to better. But instead she's trying to file a nuisance lawsuit and maybe get some "please just go away $$$" from her former employer. Good luck with that.

That apology above seemed sincere, but now it is doubly damning by this action. Fuck her right in the ear, and I feel sorry for her dog.

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This is a Hemmingway-esque short story.

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Well also, black men and women that "do not comply" and "resist arrest", it's like,they are f'n also mortally fearing for their safety too, are they not?

Christ, where was Treyvon Martin's right to "stand his ground". Oh right, he's dead and can't testify to how Zimmerman made *him feel threatened.

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Sorry, the name of the crowdfunding site did it. Yr Editrix doesn't want fundraising in the comments, and unfortunately, the word filter doesn't know the difference between actual fundraising and mentions of terrible people's fundraising. Approved now!

I've deleted the other instance of the comment since this one is up

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Please review the rules. We're not allowing that word anymore.

— Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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Thanks. And thanks for the heads-up about the names of crowdfunding sites. I can see how that would be a thing.

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Now that she’s had time to digest her awfulness, it turns out she’s not the awful one, her employer is! Projection!!!11!! Nope, she really is awful. :P

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In my youth I read a book titled "Beautiful Joe"; he was found wandering the streets with his ears and tail chopped - it took me a long time to realize that Joe was a Dobie. (I am 72 so this was about 60 years ago)

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She'd need a lot of cash to retain a lawyer if that was a risk. Maybe she does, though. Money is a thing I'm not familiar with.

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You have to wonder.

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Yeah, I told the anecdote about the guy trying to return the Iphone prototype that he left at a bar (or restaurant) and Jobs yelling at him and threatening him. The person here had the impression that they were trying to ransom it back to him. My spouse read me the account so I didn't recall the details.

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Jim DeMint on line one for you! He's no longer at the Heritage Foundation, because apparently he's too much of an asshole even for them.

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I got bounced from a Hooters once, when I was working my way through school as a Singing Telegram girl. I was dressed as a belly dancer and they wouldn't allow me to perform. Gave me some bullshit about being a family restaurant. I do have big breasts so now I know the reason, lol.

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A "family restaurant" that requires waitresses to wear skimpy outfits and flirt with the customers - also at least one of their locations got into serious trouble with everyone when the manager suggested that the waitresses could earn extra money by having sex with the customers.

They probably just didn't like the competition

I didn't get fired from Hooters for having big breasts - I turned down the job offer because my friends and I really only applied there as a lark and I didn't need money that badly

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