Chuckie Cheese Brain writes: "This is the man (Obama) who made Berlin coo, America swoon and the Nobel committee lose its mind."

This explains it; Charles is jealous.

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I've been grousing that Obama's ONLY election strategy seems to be "Vote for me, I'm not THEM." And then one of THEM craps out something like this, and it all makes perfect sense.

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Just one? Guess you're right. He doesn't need to spoil his dinner of festering herpes-sore-covered whale anuses with a side of batter-dipped chimpanzee taint. And his slurry.

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<i>...Really, are you saying we should be reflexively prowar, Krauthammer? ...</i> Yes, yes he is. Charles cannot get enough war. There just is never enough. Maybe, maybe next time it will be Iran. Charles will be sooooooo happy then. He is depraved.

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It is amazing that these chicken hawks can, in the same breath, demand continuous war and scream about their taxes being too high. Hey Chuck, how about you give all your money to the war effort or maybe we strap a couple guns to your wheelchair and send you out on the next plane to Afghanistan?

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Coincidentally, I’m cooking a beer-can chicken tonight. I might just cut that sucker up with a hatchet to ease my Krauthammer induced stress. I’m sure our guests will understand.

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I'm reflexively <i>pro-</i><a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/410864\/contractors-guarding-us-embassy-in-kabul-love-to-drink-vodka-out-of-each-others-anuses" target="_blank"> military dudes drinking vodka shots off each other's butts.</a>

So does this mean that I'm <i>pro</i>-war or <i>anti</i>-war?

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