like chicken?

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I've already forgotten what we were talking about. But, okay, like chicken.

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Very true. I would say that Francis, in comparison with all other recent popes and leadership in the Vatican, is actually trying to do some good work there, within the narrow bounds of his obnoxious religion. That's one way change happens.

Of course, there's a good chance that Francis is gay himself.

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I know, right. Is he doing “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia” on purpose or is he even dumber and more bizarre than I already thought.

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MSM is trying to make prime rib look like nothingburger. Again.

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Ta, Evan. Vey iz mir.

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He probably overheard someone saying "Russia Russia Russia" as an ironic shoutout to "Marcia Marcia Marcia" but didn't know what the joke was, only that some other people around seemed to think it was clever

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I think he's more related to the Plan 9 From Outer Space of Scottish poets: https://poets.org/poem/tay-...

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I'm looking forward to rigorous investigative journalism into the failures of both the Mueller and Durham projects to uncover all this, despite Deripaska's dealings with Manafort going back many years. I mean McGonigal's alleged crimes would seem to be tangentially relevant to the Trump campaign's links to Russia, yes?

When I say "looking forward", I'm being sarcastic. I'm sure the mess will make the Washington Press Rabble's heads hurt. However people like Marcy Wheeler will be worth reading.

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He seems nice.

And reliable.

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I cannot imagine him watching that show, but there are examples of the repetition of words thrice for emphasis. Two examples from songs are The Beach Boys' ''Fun, Fun, Fun'', and The Beatles singing ''yeah, yeah, yeah''.Also, one is more likely to say ''no, no, no!'' or ''yes, yes, yes'' that only saying the words twice.

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He's very consistent about using "Russia, Russia, Russia," almost like a verbal tic. I'm wondering if it's a sign of some cognitive or organic problem.

You got a certain amount of money, the family's going to step in with lawyers if you start to go. You got an ungodly amount of money (or the perception thereof), the family's going to do everything in its power to see that nothing about that gets out.

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It seems like the biggest, blustery, in charge, tough guy leaders end up being the biggest fucking cowards that ever came down the pike.

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If Main Justice came down on the New York office like Thor with his hammer investigating that leak, how long would it take before someone decided a decade or two in the federal pen wasn't worth it?

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That sounds like it was meant as an insult.

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OH. my gosh. After all the times you've said I should not speak ill of Dems, you just blamed President Obama for failing to do the right thing.You must be a Democrat-hater by your previous comments.

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