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When someone makes a claim, it is their responsibility to back it up, not mine.

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Wait, so asking basic questions about an issue, and asking for objective proof vs emotions, is trolling?

My bad, I didn't realize this was a far-left echo chamber. I'll go back to my own echo chamber now.

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Looks pretty bad. Thank you for some actual information rather than just emotion.

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Fair enough.

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easy to look it up yourself instead of being a self-rightous prick about it

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Jesus, man, don't invoke Coakley - that's the stuff of nightmares for us Massholes.

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Don't fret, they won't actually have to work to get by.

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You have a good day too. I guess you don't have a problem violating the terms of the comment section.

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You have a good day too. How do I look up something when the comment was "DeSantis needs to serve another term" but instead spend time in prison. What's to look up? Why are you lefties so sensitive to someone asking for information?

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and there you go being the self-absorbed dipso again

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Don't threaten me with a good time.

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I would love Demings as our Gov, would like Nikki very much as our Gov, would be pretty happy with Charlie Crist as our Gov, and would pretty much be pleased as punch with any other Democrat. Or Independent. Or Monty Python member. Just no Republicans any more, please. Florida can’t take any more of this abject idiocy.

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Someone must have told him that his hairs would be taxed.

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Which is why I'm dubious of the "Demographics is Destiny" theory.

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I'd take a listen to a non-Monty python if one got into the race.

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