Sickening to know that Donald Trump Junior publicly degrades poor people. May his children and grandchildren live in poverty someday.

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They've chosen Russia.

They've chosen fascism, theocracy, oppression, corruption, weakness, fear, betrayal, Hell.

Never let them live it down. They have betrayed the very principles on which America stands.

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There really is only one possibility here. These right wingers are getting paid directly or indirectly by Russian agents to spout this nonsense. Hopefully it bites them in the ass someday. And I would pay big money to see Charlie Kirk or DJT jr to say stuff like this to Zelenskyy’s face.

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I wonder how much use this will be to them. Trump tried for 4 years to shift Americans' habitual hostility from Russia to China. Yet we still buy all our stuff from China and Russia invaded a brave and outgunned ally.

The only aspect of this that has any resonance with heartland America is "let's not spend any money on foreign policy." That's a perennial favorite with isolationists, but most of heartland America likes the idea that we're a superpower and wants us to stay that way.

My guess is that this will all fade fast. But in the meantime, the Trump family continues its research into how low "bottomless" can get.

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I feel that commenting on the "thoughts" of Charlie Kirk and Donald Trump, Jr on the Zelenskyy visit and the situation in Ukraine is just self debasement.

These people make me weary and not a little angry, but they are not worth even that.

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He doesn't like Zekenskyy dressing casual before Congress? Nobody tell him about Jim Jordan.

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In the case of Trump, his financial connections to the Russian mob are well-documented and have been for decades. His whole career was based on that - including his personal penchant for Eastern European mail-order brides.

It's interesting, though, that Putin has not shown any interest in the kids. Even Ivanka, the only one with any brains, went straight to China to cut her corrupt deals when she had White House clout. AFAIK, Russia has given the Trumps the cold shoulder since they left the White House.

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My guess is, Putin knows the Tromp name will be utterly toxic for doing any kind of business within a couple of years (like, even more than it is now), so the kids aren't going to be in any position to be useful to him.

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Just let them take it. That's what they're saying. The same people who will probably tell you that Korea and Vietnam were justified and proper. Why? Is it because Putin isn't "Communist?"

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The utter lack of self awareness it takes for a person like Donald Trump Jr., who has never done a minute of actual work in his life, to call some a welfare queen, is stunning.

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That's a ticket I would absolutely buy.

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Pat Buchanan wrote a book a few years back saying pretty much that about Vietnam, and that America's entry in WW II was unjustified and wrong.

Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of those same people share that feeling.

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Charlie Kirk, leader of the Russian American Bund.

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This totally threw me for a loop at first. Just started heavily reading about the General Jewish Labour Bund. Which is VERY different from the Bund you are referencing.

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Get ready to rumble!!

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Sorry Charlie, Putin's getting his ass handed to him by a much smaller, but far smarter, leader. Not a terrorist murdering his own people, like Putin. Maybe one of his underlings will "correct him, Mr Torrance".

Cokehead Junior never worked an honest day in his life. He deserves Kimmy Tinfoil, a loudmouth who seems to still have interest in Gavin Newsom since she brings him up so often. She and Jr. got engaged on 12/31/20. It's almost 12/31/22 now and they aren't married yet? Were they waiting for that WH wedding? LOL!

“I love taking care of Don, the way I saw my mother lovingly take care of my father,” she said. But she isn't Don's' wife nor his children's mother! “I go out of my way to make sure he has everything he needs–making coffee in the morning, cooking our favorite meals, doing our family’s laundry, and caring for our home.” Sounds like more of a live-in maid to me. Does anyone REALLY believe she does their laundry herself? Gullible's/Guilfoyle's travels.

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