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Your grandmother remains a real life role model. I still have an ancient copy of "Madam Of The House". A couple of older friends of the family thought very highly of her.She certainly made the best of what she was dealt.I remain impressed at how she educated her employees in the greater world and how proud she was when they married and settled down. A mensch!

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Well, she wasn't shy.

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Humphrey Bogart sexy? Ewwww. I never could figure out what Lauren Bacall saw in that old man. As an actor he was great.

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Who in their right mind would want to go on this show? It seems more likely that appearing there would preclude redemption rather than help it along, considering how Charlie Rose doesn't seem to get how this is all such a big deal.

If Charlie Rose really wanted redemption for himself, he could focus his show on redemption for accusers/victims whose careers have been damaged or ruined by the people who harassed and assaulted them. Edit - just read a Refinery29 article that suggests this.

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I was grimly amusing. It was clearly an ironic sketch; the guys were supposed to be assholes.

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I always thought Charlie Rose was a creep and a terrible interviewer who thought what he had to say was more important than what his subject had to say. I'm glad he is gone and would like for him to stay that way.

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Maybe I'm just a racist old white woman, but I found Harvey's transgressions were sufficiently egregious to remember easily. I did not have to search "really hard." I also was more familiar with Harvey's victims, again NO DOUBT BECAUSE I'm just a racist old white woman.

I am glad Cosby was found guilty, do you think that's interesting??!?!?!?!????

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did you ever see the TV movie they made of her book?

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No! Did you like it?Who played her?I have particular voice I hear when I read her book.Passed Valhalla many times going to work, but was stony broke those years. Missed my chance.

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Dyan Cannon played her, they filmed some of it there while she was mayor. I met her once very briefly (I was only 14 then in'78) and she seemed nice.

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I think it only fair that they let me do the questioning.

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“I am glad Cosby was found guilty, do you think that's interesting??!?!?!?!????”Yes, I do, actually. And I’m glad that the victims have their own support networks for attempted recovery – though it also doesn’t escape my attention that, just like following similar incidents with which I’m unfortunately familiar, the white survivors are getting a good deal more support than the survivors of color, a fact given what appears to be your stance on the matter that you might prefer to ignore.

I also find it interesting that in asking the question you ask – complete with Kelly Ann Conway-esque attempt at a pivot away from a subject you ostensibly find “uncomfortable” -- you pose it with your multiplicity of question marks and exclamation points in the online equivalent of a shriek, but you also do that only AFTER you call yourself a “racist old white lady”, trying to call both all the attention and all the sympathy in the room to yourself (which is a classic Emitt-Till accuser level white lady trick, which I’d thought – at least before this – was beneath someone who perceived herself as sufficiently progressive to post here) – when nobody said all that, or called you that, but you yourself.

I’m going to recommend a book. Regardless of the title at which you might reflexively (and, I might add, reactionarily) recoil, you might actually read it since it was written by a Cambridge-educated white lady. You can get it here, if you’re willing to put your money where your mouth is.https://smile.amazon.com/dp...

“Waking Up White: and Finding Myself in the Story of Race”

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ETA; I also see that I recommended it already. And you ignored the recommendation. So I'm interested in that as well. You'll find that, as opposed to being interested ONLY in things like the Cosby conviction and sentencing, which everybody can see -- some of us are also interested in things others would rather attempt repeatedly to push under the rug and ignore.

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He'd NEVER be involved in such a thing. Because he is still the same man he was, and those women are his enemy. IMHO.

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Or, at the end of the show, a policeman rushes in to put their used coffe cups in separate plastic bags.

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