If he REALLY wants to cash in he should refuse to bake pizzas for Al Sharpton.

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speaking as a resident of indiana, if he likes tex-ass so much, he can stay there. we don't need dirtbag fukstiks like him in our crappy little state. with him,and his "people"(and i use that term loosely) gone, it might be a tiny bit less crappy.

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Yup, another nutjob who spends WAAAAYYY too much time talking to himself - probably in a badly smudged mirror, in order to assure complete agreement with himself.

Of course, asshat here has no concept of the Constitution, freedom of assembly and association, and the right to protest, whether he personally likes it or not. Has fuck-all to do with Texas; it applies all over the nation, also in Canada.

Poor slob, if he actually tried to do one of those cop fakey gymanstics barrel rolls, or tried to run anyone anywhere, or run at all, he'd probably fall over with a heart attack.

And i bet he'd have a complete melt down if one of those black people hes so hot to chase then gave him CPR, especially mouth to mouth... Ewwwwwww --- he has an icky looking mouth, given what he uses it to say.

What an empty-headed overweight blow hard. I bet no one loves him, and worse, no one takes him seriously.

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Or those guys on the Animal Planet that hunt Bigfoot. May have found one here.

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If anyone ever needed a baseball bat to the face....

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Mediocrity? You're being generous.

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Doesn't matter - doubt this guy could read a map if he had one.

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Well, you came close, but Louie really isn't all that oversize.

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I'll hazard that his Mom might have loved him. At least until she got to know him.

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The draft had standards. He would fail the intelligence test. Plus I'm guessing inappropriate tattoos under the shirt.

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I'd prefer to put his foot up his ass. Better than having to burn my boots.

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Don't worry your Highness. Everybody missed a key point. Does this guy know how to get to McKinney? Real men don't use maps or ask for directions.

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Why do all white supremists look exactly alike?

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I'll do it for $498k.

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So, is anyone going to tell him that Sharpton is not IN Texas?

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Best guess is himself.

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