This whole Christian thing doesn't seem to be working very well.

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"Those guys are BAD, we're GOOD"

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Killers killing killers so killers can claim killers are better than killers.


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<blockquote>We’re no attorneys, and while we’re waiting for our Big Break so we can actually be paid members of the ACLU again, that sure as hell sounds like it’s edging up to the very limits of the First Amendment, innit? </blockquote>

Sorry, this stuff is clearly protected speech under the <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Brandenburg_v._Ohio#The_Brandenburg_test_.28also_known_as_the_imminent_lawless_action_test.29" target="_blank">Brandenburg test</a>. Remember, the First Amendment would have protected Radio Rwanda. You <em>really</em> have to try hard to escape its shield, unless you want to describe, depict or display sexyparts.

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Well, fuck.

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Let me know if I can help you with the driving or whatever.

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fascists who, of course, only care about the <strike>children</strike> zygotes and feti.


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Well duh, pro-life <em>until birth</em> as always.

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