This is not far from Hegel's point also too.

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Maybe having troops from winning nations stationed on your nation for another 50 years did it too. There were still UK/USA armed forces in Germany when I went there in 1993. Just keeping an eye on Fritz in case he got ideas.....

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In case Fritz went on the fritz?

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The visual reminders of that war were visible into the late 60s -- i.e. there were bombed-out buildings on many streets, esp. in the bigger cities of the industrialized Ruhrgebiet.

I also remember monthly air-raid siren tests (those were conducted for a potential Soviet attack via the Fulda Gap). Those tests were hellish to endure for people like my mom who had been a child during the war and who spent much of her childhood in underground bomb shelters ... the stuff that happened in some of those is the stuff of nightmares. Firebombs often lit up whole neighborhoods in seconds, and seeking refuge in an underground bomb shelter often resulted in being trampled to death on the stairs, or being burned alive when Löschwasser ignited. Add to that horror, the fact that once the underground shelter was "full," your friendly neighborhood Blockleiter would pull the steel doors shut, and you were now trapped underground for however long the air raid might go on ...

Any kid of my generation (i.e. someone whose parents were children during WW2) got daily reminders and object-lessons on the evil of Nazi ideology. And even though most of our parents were "o.k." in the superficial sense, deep down, they carried scars so deep they were afraid to speak of all the horrors ...

In school, the abstract history lessons took us through a rigorous critique of fascist thought. We went beyond just "it's bad; don't do it" to really analyze how, what, why etc. Those were valuable tools--and I remember one history prof telling us that fascism is very adaptable and could find nourishing soil in any country. She told us not to expect jack-booted thugs in its next iteration ...

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Those were / are there to defend against a potential Soviet attack (the dreaded Fulda Gap) ...

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Ya know, if I was going to do something like that, I'd clear it with the school first, and point out that the intent was to show that there were NO "positive aspects" to slavery.

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Same here, I first came to Florida in 1969. As a child from Maine I could not believe what I was hearing, (my parents liked everyone) with the casual racism. I had severe culture shock. My mother tells of making a trip in 1950 to live in Wilmington, NC, and late one night stopping at a restaurant that was the only one for miles around. The patrons were black and very uneasy to see these strange white people coming to no doubt, start trouble. My mother right away apologized for bothering them and asked if she could get some milk for the babies bottle. They were then invited to sit down and mom and the lady talked for a long time. My mother said she learned a lot from that and that she never could understand why such nice people were treated so badly.

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Nix that Fritz blitz!

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..."Life's a laugh and death's a joke it's true."

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Congrats. Were you admitted on merit or quota?

Why, merit, sir. Were you on the school board for merit or because you're a racist fuck?

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And the man jumped back said “everyone attack” and they turned into a fritz blitz nix!

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I have not read his whole autobiography, only excerpts from it. I see I must read the whole thing. Thanks for enlightening me.

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To be fair, nothing in the bible condemning slavery. Nowhere.

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Angela, you have turned me on to an account of which I had not been aware. Ordering Jacobs now.

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Did they have to remove their hoods so the people in back could see the screen?

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You can find documents like this free on the internet, thanks to Project Gutenberg and other archival sharing sites like this one. http://b-ok.org/s/?q=freder... .

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