I'm sorry, but given how <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Results_of_the_2012_Republican_Party_presidential_primaries#Nevada" target="_blank">poor Newt's results were in Nevada</a>, paying this guy would just be rewarding failure. That's something a historic figure like Newt simply can't afford to do.

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You rang?

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Starting with extending credit to a political campaign. Cash on the barrelhead is the rule.

Campaigns - unlike corporations - can simply close up shop and no one is responsible for any outstanding debt. Ask Alan Keyes about that one...

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That's probably the only stiff Ole Newt has these days.

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the economist article on the end of his 'campaign' was entitled: 'deflating the zeppelin' accompanied by a really unflattering girth picture.

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Sure does. What's the individual contribution limit again? Oops. Or was that a direct corporate donation? Oops again.

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I suppose Newt will use this incident as an example of the experience he'll bring to the Oval Office. "The debt ceiling is a serious problem. And I know how to fix it."

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