I'd imagine that had Jon Stewart known in 2004 that cable news would mostly turn into televised AM radio, he might have reconsidered his comments.

Though Tucker Carlson is still a dick.

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I saw your comment, but not until the next day. I'm usually on this bitch 24/7, it helps keep the demons quiet. I hear you on Spitzer being smart and generally a good politician. His penance for spending time at Sandal's Resort on Whore Island is having to share a desk with that dolt Parker. How long until her catholic crazy comes out and she demands he apologize for killing jeebus?

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It's only because my mom's friend was tight with professional wrestlers back in the 70s that I know to what great lengths people will go to work in a particular career. The wrestlers all acted like they would kill each other if they met in the street...but that was just part of the show. In real life, most of them were buds. Looking at this picture, I get the sense that the "I'm so happy to be working with Eliot" smile is the show. In real life she's probably thinking, "I have to work with a sock wearing whoremonger who slept with a skank that's not as pretty as me?! The things I do for my career."

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How much does Parker get per night?

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...isn't a "Parker Spitzer" what Bob Allen got busted for?!

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Spitz's Bar n Grill - Liquor in the front, Parker in the rear.

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