First of all the calendar doesn't prove Jesus existed. However, there ARE many books, and references in scrolls that acknowledge that Jesus did walk the earth. More so than many other people like Alexandar for example. The calendar was created to record time, at the time, there was no accurate calendar. The Jewish calendar is probably the most accurate, but even it doesn't account for the 1/4 day difference. This is why we have leap year, this is why a new calendar was made. Is it accurate? far more so than any previous attempt. Was it started on the year of the birth of Christ? At the time they thought so. Now we believe they were up to a year off. I'd also like to add that if you add the old testament time period to our calendar it almost lines up perfectly with the Jewish calendar. As I said they didn't account for the 1/4 day difference ever year. So that brings up another question. If the Jewish calendar is accurate except for the 1/4 day every year, and the life times of many of the old testament people were 900 years or more. Then that must be true after all huh? I mean, yes if they were 900, they could be 3600 days off, which would be just over 150 years.difference. So they would be 750 years old instead. Wow.

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My guess, having grown up in that milieu, is that everybody did

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Today is 30th of Sivan, 5776. You lost a millennium; but, why not? The zero was not invented even in an incomplete form until, mebbe, a thousand years after writing. Made counting difficult waybackwhenz.

That's why th'old Song "Sumer timez an the eatin be e-z, Akkad's chompin and the Tower grows high" got no numberz in it.

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Damn Haskelites! Always knocking at my door with their charity scams!

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this ez is not fibbin when I say the Duck man's logic is bollocks.

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Glad I'm not a lawn service guy. Asking someone if they wanted their dirt patch disturbed would make me snicker.

Because I will always be twelve.

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Kinda like saying I have a car because i have a garage. Maybe. I heard one a while back that if God didn't exist, who makes the next Kleenex pop up?

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Nice twist on Trumps own words.

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Allison DuBois

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Can't recommend his books enough.

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Yo so mighty righty right right 'bout dat!

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HAL achieved consciousness, Dave.

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I thought the device was for cockteasing drakes.

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To be fair, Papa Duck did make his millions on suckering stupid critters to their destruction. His new grift makes more money since you don't have to kill the ducks to profit.

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what you mean to say is:Bishop Ussher Libels!

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