Mississippi is virtually last in everything. Last in income, education, job opportunities, health care etc. It seems Mississippi proves what LBJ said still reigns supreme. "As long as the lowest white man is above the highest black man. Not only will the white man let you pick his pocket, he'll give it to you". The racist whites would rather be poor, as long as they are still above the blacks. Sad.

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good grief

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Excellent commentary, again, Mr. Robinson. Espy, -8, is huge. Mississippi (Georgia, SC, Texas?) true purple 2024 at the latest? Only hope I’m around to see it.BTW, In Cali. 21, (SJ Valley) looks like Democrat TJ Cox has knocked off another Republican incumbent. That’s 40 seat changes in the next House.

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This. I get so tired of my fellow liberals saying "well we should throw those red states under a bus" or "well, you get what you voted for." Nebraska is the same (minus the overt racism of people like Hyde-Smith), but we put a whole bunch of Democrats in office here this time round - a majority of whom were women. We captured the state board of regents (which oversees colleges).

The other is "why don't you just move" (assuming money grows on tumbleweeds or something).

The alternative statement is "abandon those liberals to their fate."

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Very positive! Thank you, Stephen Robinson!!

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I firmly believe Stacy Abrams and Mike Espy got a lot of Democrats to the polls.

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There are too many would be progressive asskickers who want to save all Democrats from themselves. No matter what. I've said many times that West Virginia is not West Los Angeles. Yet, you read this blog and time after time, red state Democrats are treated as traitors with political leprosy. That can't be, but those who see themselves as the holiest of the political holies seem to insist on it. Constantly.We need to understand why Ocasio- Cortez was the perfect candidate in the Bronx but would be a sure loser in California CD 1. Too many just don't seem to get it, or, worse, don't want to get it.

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Best, and almost only, laugh I've enjoyed all day: https://www.newyorker.com/h...

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I stuck to obliquely ironic abuse. I was only trying to amuse myself, not them.

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Who says I was trying to amuse them?

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Apparently you did, tho, for which I offer sincere congrats.

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LOL, thanks. It was when they started posting right at me that I stopped writing those ficbits. Just to fuck with them. :D

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Bravo! Well-written, timely and timeless. Thank you for giving me a different perspective on the results of that election. I had been cultivating disgust and cynicism, and have decided to uproot that and plant a green shoot of hope instead. Went back and re-read your essay just to keep the glow going.

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You don't need an excuse to post Nina.

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