Oh, those fun-loving merry tricksters from "Operation Save America!" Last Sunday, the little scamps invaded a Unitarian church to interrupt the service and yell the Gospel at the congregation.
Reached at a child abuse shelter two streets over, where He was working in the guise of a Unitarian volunteer, Jesus' only comment was yet another facepalm.
Kids outside of the vadge can pray to Jesus for themselves. If he doesn't answer their prayers, that's the Invisible Hand of The Jesus for ya.
I'm not really sure, but isn't there something about not lying in the Bible? And was it the meek shall inherit the earth or the loudmouth idiots? Should paid better attention in religion class, but I was too busy napping.
They look like a bunch of crazy fucking fetus-huggers.
Next up: funerals for unwanted children who die from poverty and neglect? Right??
Washed down with a nice cold Abita, amirite? Preferably Turbodog, but Purple Haze is nice too.
Hey, Barbara Bush kept a fetus in a jar, and look how smart and healthy W. turned out!
Seriously, are these a branch of the WBC? Because they were too crazy for the Phelps'?
Reached at a child abuse shelter two streets over, where He was working in the guise of a Unitarian volunteer, Jesus' only comment was yet another facepalm.
Because to conservatives only theoretical things are real. Practicality or reality comes into their thinking at no point.
Would it be considered "engaging" them if I got into the fetus line wearing a lobster bib with a knife and fork in my hands?
They better keep careful watch over them too, or Flip might put them in a box for the next show.
Kids outside of the vadge can pray to Jesus for themselves. If he doesn't answer their prayers, that's the Invisible Hand of The Jesus for ya.
Was the thing in the casket a feted fetid fetus?
I'm not really sure, but isn't there something about not lying in the Bible? And was it the meek shall inherit the earth or the loudmouth idiots? Should paid better attention in religion class, but I was too busy napping.
The young lady swore she had strickly adhered to the Palin Doctrine of abstinence and wine coolers.