Lower GI check?

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^^ Windex.

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He's also been to Mars, when he was a teenager, using a special teleportation system developed at the 2-year College of the Siskyous, in Weed, CA.

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They aren't smart enough for the necessary cognition. It has been proven that stupid people are not smart enough to realize they're stupid.

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Sciene fiction is a whole lot better when you're not drunk.

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I'll probably be killed for saying this, but its become so obvious. Its not CO2, CHEMTRAILS CAUSE GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!!!!!! It all fits together, Glenn Beck will be so proud of me!

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My old chem(trails) teacher used to joke that the doctors who practiced nuclear medicine would either Helium, Curium or Barium.

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Orville and Wilber Wright never left vapor trails!!!!!!1!1!http://media.giphy.com/medi...

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Actually methane from cows contribute more to global warming than Transportation, but try to tell that to a cow!http://media.giphy.com/medi...

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The cows are there as a result if human activity, animal husbandry, so the methane is still anthropogenic.

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a is for preceding consonants, where as an is for preceding vowels

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My world is a little off kilter here....I have these odd feelings of ...respect(?) for this tea guy. How am i suppose to process this, now??

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Chem trails is where the far, far left and the far, far right find common ground. Not kidding. The ones I know who rant about this are pretty far left.

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And this says it all: After the enthusiastic applause died down, Gosar asked, “Okay, who are science guys here?”

Pacheco shot back, “We don’t need science!”

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Saxo the Grammarian - you are an idiot

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Long-time stoner friends from my hippie days also believe in power spots, weather-altering contrails, spooky flying saucers, hollow earth theory, flat earth theory, illuminati-danger EMF-danger (no cell phones are allowed in their house), vaccination-danger on and on. Don't know how much longer I can hang with these folks. It's so frustrating when semi-smart people prefer paranoid fantasy to reality (especially when there's plenty of real danger to worry about... like the nazi in the White House).

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