Without people who denigrate her Sarah Palin would have nothing to be offended about. Her sense of victimhood is what fuels her followers. From an Alaskan state trooper to a journalist living next door to the new Pope Caribou Barbie has managed to turn her umbrage into a highly paid gig.

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Somebody is quite shrill today. And I like it.

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First Bill Mayer now Cher I see a pattern here, and not everyone except Sarah can be wrong.But really we need to find a different word, I like cunts and cant say the same about Palins dumbass so I'll go with shitty fuck hole aint no way you could like that unless you are into shitty fuck holes

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So, the objection is the use of the word? Not the accuracy of Cher's statement?

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Subtle, the music didn't appear in my head for a few minutes.

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Dumb C word? Ouch and meow.

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Funny how no one gets their panties in a wad when a man calls another man a prick.

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