Yeah , that looks like a job not for the faint of heart.

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"B-b-b-but how will society function without police?!?!"

I dunno. Probably as well or better than it did prior to the mid-19th century when policing as we know it was born. The police are an incredibly young institution and were corrupt from the word go. Some of their first actions were slave-catching and suppressing labor organization. The core is rotten and the apple must be thrown out.

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I'm a cyclist as well. I still love this City

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Sad that science fiction melodramas are so far off target socially. A chapter epigraph in Jack Vance's "The Star King" has an official declaring of a proposal to increase police powers, "I urge you not to endorse this sinister measure. Humanity has had experience of super-powerful police forces before. As soon as they (the police) slip out from under the thumb of a suspicious local tribunal ... they become arrogant, merciless, a law unto themselves. They swagger back and forth, jingling their weapons in megalomaniac euphoria. If a police officer kills a civilian, it is a regrettable circumstance; the officer was possibly over-zealous. If a civilian kills a police officer, all hell breaks loose."Of course that's just science fiction and nobody would think that happens here and now in reality instead of some far out future society. Would we?

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"If you're explaining, you're losing."--St. Ronnie

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Seems they actually do, considering the vast difference in popularity between the majority who favors police reform, and the minority who calls for defunding the police. It's always the argument of the ideologue that there are no persuadable people, no one who might not fit into the "all or nothing" dichotomy, and yet clear swings in various elections keeps disproving this.

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It's a much heavier lift for Republicans to say "when Dems call for 'reform' they really mean no more police" than for Republicans to say "when Dems say 'defund' that's what they plan to do". Why should we make their job easier?

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I'd rather win elections and implement liberal reforms than try to make a toxic label less toxic.

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Yep--and one thing I'll credit Republicans with--they know how to do labels and messages right.

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Additionally, the other day, John Catanzara sent an email to BLM Chicago at 2am from his official FOP email address, telling them that "TIME IS UP THUGLIVESMATTER! WERE COMING FOR YOU HOMEBOYS" [SIC]. So you know. That's awesome.

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I got basically the same question. I improvised the following: “As a society, we are taught to obey the police.” Defense counsel gave me the big ol’ stink-eye as I left. Ironically, I would have voted to acquit, as did the jury. There were three other pending cases with the same defendant—all dropped. I know only a limited amount about this case, but there were no winners here.

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Me too. CPD hates her. The CTU hates her. Lefties hate her. If she manages to get re-elected, I'll eat my hat.

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This one?:


So, what you’re saying is they actually did their jobs, while working with US Marshals? They did them without managing to murder random Black folks? Maybe they managed to pluck out that ‘rare’ bad apple in July?


Btw, ‘116 violent criminals’ contained less than a quarter of that number being murderers, rapists, and pedophiles. The remainder were drug offenses with warrants. And, I’m truly shocked that they found only 9 guns, out of 116 people, in Colorado.

It’s good that they went and rounded up all those outstanding warrants. Police serve a necessary function. But we don’t need to focus on giving them a cookie for doing things they are meant to do. They can get that respect and appreciation when people feel they can trust them, and they often do. Police might think to start making the extra effort to build that trust. We NEED to focus on the problem of them not doing it right, and all the times they blatantly abuse their authority, and all the racism and murdering… and covering for each other when it happens.

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Cops complain about the dregs of humanity they're forced to deal with on a daily basis, but it's the same demographic a midnight shift convenience store clerk has to deal with without a badge and a gun.

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Yes. Examples of who else should lose it and under what circumstances. It already doesn't apply to illegal actions.

I fail to see any QA claim in your example.

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From a quick scan of the list I'd say that the best ways to stay safe are:1) Don't drive2) Stay out of trees3) Don't fly aircraft4) Don't operate heavy equipment

Remote office workers have got it covered!

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