I resemble that remark!

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Loss of power, and failure of the mechanism that's supposed to prevent this. The side carrying the skiers weighs more, so down it comes. (I hope this company doesn't make elevators!)

Scary toward the end, when the chairs came loose and started piling up. I wouldn't want to end up in the pile, waiting for the next chair to come crashing in.

Fortunately, most passengers bailed out early:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Nice. Looks like everyone had a good time.Wish I were there.

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So, after lunch then.

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My Wisconsin friend made me wear a cheesehead to the bleachers at Fenway Park for a Red Sox - Brewers game once.

That was fun.

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Thank you for the explanation, which is much less scary than the idea of sentient machines!

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Winehouse isn't to far from my home and I'd love to come. . . but it's tax season and so I will be at work in the Loop instead of drinking wine. Or Guinness or green beer for that matter. You picked a fun night to be in Chicago. For the next 72 hours everybody is Irish and everybody is drunk. Except most of the kids.

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Thank you for posting these. Looks like it was a fun time for all

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Dude. How do I get light up shoes for grown ups?

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Google "HoverKicks" !

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Chicago's "Look Away" will always be the greatest break up song ever.

After my wife of twenty five years told me she was leaving me with our kids to move in with her boss (my former high school class mate no less) that song is the only thing that kept me from having a total mental breakdown and gave me the strength to start stalking her online.

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Thanks! Why should my kids get all the fun?

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Chicagoans female type persons who are at the drinky thing be part of my project Old Ladies in Public Places! I will draw you (I'm very good at it). I'll keep the drawing for now, for an exhibit, but you'll get it eventually. Here's one I did of a friend last year:https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Wonkette please come through the south sometime. We have ALL the good food and nice weather this time of year. I will host you in bama. Cute toddlers more than welcome

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