The views from Northerly Island are fantastic. The view from the cafeteria at the Shedd Aquarium is one of my favorites. We used to have a weekend condo on LSD just off Division. Man, what a place to be in the summer.

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Yes look it up

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He's not interested in creating jobs for brown people. He's interested in locking them up or shipping them out. In Trump's mind, and the mind of the bigots that enthusiastically voted for him, inner city problems are fixed with jails where suburban and rural problems are solved with jobs.

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You said it. You look it up and share with us what you find. You back up your own words. That's how it works.

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He's interested in fixing it, for white people, and in a way that makes things worse for them.

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I know what it means...you don't.

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Never trust someone who can't use quotations correctly.

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That tiny flag is the original flag that this one "improved" on. Their next-gen flag is going to require a microscope.

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So then I have to wonder - what the heck was wrong with that original flag? Chicago has proven how much love for and fun you can have with just a few simple stripes and stars. IMO that monstrosity looks more like something Milwaukee area chain diners would put on their kids menus as a coloring and identifying activity more than anything else!

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Trump should send in the national guard for the sole reason alone to end Chicago's revolting tradition of what it refers to as 'pizza'.

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Figure he means to either 1. cut off all federal funds to the city of Chicago (and the other cities who harbor illegals etc., or 2. send in troops to wipe out the gangs and cartels.

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I saw it before the ban, and thought it was weird that the comments changed from the usual mockery to banal. Literally "Hi" where it had been something like "Hi. Fuck you, liberal idiot". So maybe there was a mod edit followed by the Hammer of Love?

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it is that!

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Oh? The "troops" will "wipe out the gangs and cartels"?

Where do you get your info? 1980s crime dramas?

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No, cupcake...you make an assertion, you back it up with evidence.

That's how real life outside the RWNJ bubble works...evidence or get out.

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Just FYI, but New York is doing it's best to get rid of this asshole. Don't blame him on US.

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