Nun pussy!

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Robbing the poor to give to the Pope?

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By people who are pissed off that he finally told the truth?

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That top thing looks like Geebus in the throes of auto-erotic asphyxiation.

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So "Chick-Fil-A has survived and thrived because they served everyone AND refused to cater to the cancel culture."

Well, the only change is that now they're refusing to cater to a different, more bigoted, cancel culture.

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So, wait. The group that is all upset that Chick-Fil-A apparently capitulated to the demands of a mob have mobbed together to demand that Chick-Fil-A capitulate to them? Makes as much sense as anything else in this damned timeline.

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The two Extracrispians.

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Not to Republican Jesus.

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Robbing their virginity is still robbery!

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I'm actually rather disappointed to hear that The Salvation Army is that bigoted when it comes to homosexuality. I mean I knew that they were Christian, but thought they just did charitable things and sung songs at Christmas. That's the last of my spare change they are getting from my bi-sexual, athiest purse.

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Cave cave cave caveIt is almost as if they work together on a single phrase, eh? Usually stupid. but still

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Firefly was a lot more fun before we knew that Jayne is less of an asshole than Baldwin in real life.

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Considering that the English pronounce "fillet" so that it rhymes with "millet", the name doesn't even make sense there.

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Hey, that's where I am!

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orgies and tree worship?Finally!

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Plus, nobody thought that Chick-Fil-A wasn't taking people's money. It's what they then did with that money that was the problem.

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