You can apparently buy muted roosters now. My sis lives in a suburb that still allows chickens...

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The bullet would have been drawn in by his gravitational pullet.

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"super-intelligent chickens" == "honest, ethical Republicans" == {empty set}

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Chicken Lady: Underage Vampire Hunter.

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Few people outside of NYC know this, but the Mason-Dixon line runs just north of Staten Island.

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"I am a little bit disturbed by politicians who, in the immediate aftermath of this type of tragedy, try to grandstand on it, and I’m not going to be one of those people. I think that we’ve got enough poultry laws now. It’s time for us to address and enforce the chicken laws that we have."

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Now, "foreskin"...

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I been chokin' my chicken all day, but nothing happens!

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I lived next door to a chicken-raiser too; no problems during the week, but when they wrang a chicken's neck Sunday morning for dinner, you'd think a goddamn bagpipe parade marched past.

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Just keep protecting that chicken.

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<i>"...charged with illegal possession of a .38-caliber revolver..."</i>

This is why there should be no gun laws*. People will get guns anyway. It's the same reason speeding and murder should be legalized: People will do it anyway. _________________________________ * Although in this case, the useless gun laws let the police arrest her and take away the illegal gun. Your move, NRA.

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Ear-flavored peas must be one of those acquired tastes.

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OT, but I am now getting Groupon ads in Turkish here. Has Wonkette, too, been taken over by the Vast Muslin Conspiracy?

On the other hand, 49 Turkish lira for that wireless signal extender (or whatever) is a really good price. So perhaps the conspiracy has its benefits.

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It's so much closer to New Jersey than it is to any of the other Boroughs... plus, it's the only borough without a road link to Manhattan.

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Having had neighbors with chickens for a few years, I don't think we have to worry about "super-intelligent chickens" anytime soon. The chickens I know would have eaten the chalk.

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Hah! The Chicken Lady invades my nightmares again due to the Wonkette. Fitting in some strange way.

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