Not as long as the team was winning.

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I'm a fan of the tilde, myself. As in, "some ~truly brilliant~ conservative legal minds".

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He's a shanda fur die goyim.

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She was trying to give you a message. Either: "Don't mess with me!" or "I want toast"

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Ahye'he la, shi kiis!

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Make America look like America again.

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With pineapples.

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Remember, Nazis had wives too.

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So think a klan rally, only with suits instead of sheets and legal briefs instead of burning crosses.

Honest question. When can we start calling anything from Miller's "AFL" "illegal briefs"?

A follow-up question - how long until the AFL-CIO sues Miller's AFL for trademark violations?

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You were so close, when you used the word "paycheck".

Miller's not getting a paycheck from the other right wing answers to the ACLU. Therefore, he needs to start one that will give him a paycheck.

The End.

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I note that "fecking" is perfectly good Irish slang, and doesn't seem to offend quite as many people ...

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Time to get my card

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Cats get over pretty much anything that I do to startle them or chase them out of the kitchen (where - and this is the gospel truth - one of our cats was stealing silverware, dragging it down the hallway, and hiding it under a bed), unless it involves actual flames or gunfire (not that I've tried either, but that's largely because we don't have indoor sprinklers, and I don't own a gun).

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Something tells me Stephen Miller is not invited to the family Seder.

People who have children abducted and thrown in cages has no place at a celebration of liberation from oppression.

Today on the first day of Passover, on behalf of those extolling freedom, eat a bag of d1cks Stephen.

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and still, inexplicably, alive.

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